Sunday, November 29, 2020

Joe Biden's Apples Fell Up




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


As this is making the rounds from pollster, Patrick Basham and a summary by Kyle Becker, it is more of the avalanche of evidence which must be answered by EVERY legislator in the States Joe Biden stole and every Judge who hears these court cases being brought, and that includes Bungholer John Roberts.

In Newton's Law, an apple falls down and not up. As Spock said on Star Trek, I do not need to see an object fall on a positive gravity planet to know that it hit the ground".

Yet there are apples falling up with Joe Biden.


Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin ALWAYS vote the way Ohio and Iowa do. ALWAYS. Yet with Joe Biden this did not happen.

A democrat must have 90% Black voter support to win. Joe Biden's support was far below this while the President's support skyrocketed to 50% more than in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

95% of Republicans voted for Donald Trump. There never was a #NeverTrumper, Libertarian or Green Vote in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. Joe Biden did not get any Republican votes, at least not legally.

Donald Trump received 35% of the Latin vote. It is impossible for a democrat to win Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico, without 60% of the Hispanic vote. Biden though was awarded 3 out of the 4.

Joe Biden lost EVERYWHERE in America, except for 3 cities in Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Detroit, where he received an almost 100% of the Black vote, defying President Trumps massive vote from Black Americans everywhere else in the country.

 Each of you must start demanding answers why Joe Biden's apples keep falling up. Ask liberals who think Biden won. Judges must be made to answer why Biden's apples fall up. Politicians must be made to answer why Biden's apples fall up, because every statistic proves that Joe Biden could not have won this election. Therefore the only conclusion is when Joe Biden's apples keep falling up, that he stole this election.

Nuff Said



Journalist Kyle Becker did an admirable job summarizing some of the more critical points included in Basham’s article in a series of tweets:




