Monday, November 30, 2020

With a busted foot, Comrade Joe Biden can no longer run away from Arrest



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


I would suggest that you read and listen to the entire interviews of General Flynn and General McInerney as they are revealing the tip of the iceberg, and these are Patriots. I'm posting a condensed version offered from the linking page to educate you on more of the elephant behind the curtain, if you have missed this additional information.

As I type this, Arizona in hearings has EVIDENCE submitted of the hacking which has taken place who watched the hacking by Scytl and Dominion. This is the paper house that the corrupt Judges, corrupt politicians and Mockingbird media have hidden behind with president erect Biden. There is now evidence in hearings in Arizona of information packets from Dominion, sent to Scytl in Spain, and routed to the Ghost Server at the CIA complex in Frankfurt Germany.  This is documented election theft. There can not be any more denials in this and understand this, the real juice is not going to come out until President Donald Trump walks into the Supreme Court and bitch slaps Bunghole John Roberts with the bag of flashdrives recording all of this.



First, here are some of the highlights from the McInerney segment that we thought we especially important.

  • HAMMER and various cyber weapons were previously used by the USA against other countries, now the weapons are being deployed against us. Obama is behind everything.
  • Creator of HAMMER and Scorecard is Denis Montgomery, former CIA analyst.
  • Fox flipped against America, deep state coup coordinators recruited the entire U.S. media and Big Tech to defeat the Republic and overthrow the U.S. Constitution.
  • The Dec. 14th deadline doesn’t matter. President Trump should not leave office until all the facts surrounding election theft are analyzed, including vote count distributions “caused by fraudulent electronic manipulation of targeted voting machines.”
  • The fact that all 5 battleground states stopped counting at the same time, “Demonstrates prior coordination by election officials in five battleground states.” Then they used HAMMER and Scorecard, plus Dominion, to move Joe Biden into the lead. It is a “mathematical impossibility” the way the votes came in. An algorithm was used.
  • In PA, 1.8 million ballots mailed out to people. 2.5 million came back in. Someone had a printing press and was printing them out.
  • The 305th Battalion military intelligence is “Kraken.”
  • China, Iran, Russia were all involved in manipulating votes.
  • Confirmed that US Special Forces Command seized servers from the CIA server farm in Frankfurt.
  • Confirmed there were US soldiers killed during the raid on the CIA server farm in Frankfurt. (As we reported in yesterday’s Situation Update.)
  • Chris Miller is Secretary of Defense because of the 305th Battalion. Consider why…
  • Chris Krebs at CISA committed treason and is part of the coup.
  • What went down during the election is TREASON at the highest level, not just politics.
  • Trump can maintain control over the White House, under oath, until a full investigation is complete, and there are no artificial deadlines that can stop him.
  • The President took an oath that obliges him to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This is why he cannot turn over the White House to political puppets (Biden) controlled by America’s enemies (China, Iran).
  • The big evidence from the seized servers is going to come out at SCOTUS, not before.
  • Once caught, mid-level treasonous actors will point fingers at Biden and Obama, saying they were ordered to carry out the treasonous acts.
  • Georgia’s runoff election is already stolen by the Democrats unless we stop the vote theft. It’s just a digital theft for them. This means the Senate will be lost to the Democrats unless this vote fraud infrastructure is exposed and defeated.
  • A lot of instability is coming if we allow the government to be seized by communists.
  • All this goes up to the very top, implicating Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Barack Obama and others.
  • Trump knew all this was going to happen and had planned for it.



 If those behind this in Bunghole Roberts, Joe Biden and the Mockingbird Media try to run out the clock to December 14th the way Attorney General Barr and John Durham did, the President will invoke his executive order and the Insurrection Act.

Nuff Said

