Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Case for Martial Law - The Trump Loyalty Oath




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Unlike most of you reading this, the Lame Cherry is actually well read on the use of martial law in these United States. In the archives, this blog conducted an in depth examination of the American Civil War in the real history of Lincoln's War against Democratic Southerners. That is what the Civil War was, it was breaking a powerful cartel of Southern power by northeast liberals, instigated by French and British Rothschilds, to make America a debt slave nation.

I agreed little with most of what Lincoln did as President. In many ways he is like Donald Trump, in he was plotted against by his generals who were for State's Rights. It required almost 4 years for President Lincoln to begin putting in place a military circle who helped him steal the 1864 election.

That is where the Lincoln and Trump comparison ends as Donald Trump won in a landslide in 2020 and Joe Biden with foreign agents stole the election from thee American People.

The Lame Cherry has written and advocated that Donald Trump should militarize the United States. I agree completely with Lincoln's signing warrants for insurrectionist's arrests, as it was not Judges issuing arrest warrants, but the President's Cabinet.

I would welcome the SecDef that the President has now issuing warrants. I would welcome Mike Pompeo issuing warrants as Secretary of State.

The Lame Cherry would welcome President Trump, sending in the federal troops to secure these stolen Biden states in Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Virginia and Pennsylvania, and mirroring what Abraham Lincoln did in Maryland in Tennessee in installing loyalists and again, arresting the Governors, Lt. Governors and Secretaries of State and any Judges who thought their judicial tyranny would prevail against honest American elections.

That is all Abraham Lincoln did, except for securing military bases in states. It was simple Presidential authority to save the Union.


 Michael Flynn Calls for Trump to Declare Martial Law   mediaite


Mike Flynn: How about some "limited" martial law and a military-run election do-over?   hotair



Personally, I see little value in "Do Over" elections overseen by the military as Lincoln's 1864 balloting was. We have had an election, we know for certain there were millions of fraud votes for Biden, simply remove those votes and by Feldmarschall Michael Flynn of the Elections, send the correct electoral college votes to the Vice President in the Senate, affirm Donald Trump won the election and Joe Biden attempted to steal it, and immediately swear in Donald Trump for his second term.


When the legislators, courts and/or Congress fail to do their duty under the 12th Amendment, you must be ready Mr. President to immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote….You must also act, like Lincoln did, to silence the destructive media’s one-sided propaganda designed and proven to influence the election outcome, and end the unlawful censorship of Big Tech, to restore the confidence of the American People in our electoral process or we cannot continue as a nation. Failure to do so could result in massive violence and destruction on a level not seen since the Civil War. Limited Martial Law is clearly a better option than Civil War! 


What the Lame Cherry demands though is President Donald Trump this time, start issuing executive warrants for military tribunal trials, with Election General, democrat, Michael Flynn overseeing these swift trials and executions of traitors in enemies domestic. These are traitors and they are not going to reform any more than Benedict Arnold did. Leaving political insurrectionists in charge was something George Washington and Abraham Lincoln never allowed.

Martial Law would be unnecessary in states which voted for the President and are in the control of Republicans. Just like the Coronavirus, the world would be mask free and no need for federal troops on the streets or having to right states which are already American and not communist oriented.

Martial Law would be a pleasant thing, as liberals would finally have some boundaries and their streets would be at peace after Obama's Intifada would be ended. Imagine what a relief it would be to not have murders galore as these Biden mafia centers would have law that was not based on exploiting blacks and browns to sell dope for Wall Street.
Againt, Andrew Johnson, a democrat President, kept federal troops in the South for a decade to make reforms stick. It would be a pleasure to see scoundrels like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi on their knees, bowing to the Flag and swearing allegiance to Donald Trump and the United States Constitution to get out of prison. The Trump Loyalty Oath would be mandatory.

If the President does mandate to go with General Flynn's military held elections, I would go vote again with TL. I just see it as a waste of time for more Biden nonsense, because liberals would say that Trump stole that election, so it would simply be better to just throw out Biden's votes, prepare for Eurasian War and provide the proper exposure to Futurus Ivanka to be elected in free and fair elections.

It will require a series of Republican Presidents to cement into place the Washington, Lincoln and Trump American order again.

The only problem I have in any of this is this should have been done on January 22nd, 2017 AD in the year of our Lord. Otherwise democrat Michael Flynn is an American I trust and after the political rape he has been put through, he is fitting to be Ivanka's Vice President and to put the stick about America to bring peace and order to the nation.


I pledge allegiance to the Flag of these United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under the Protestant Christ, with liberty and justice for all law abiding and morally practicing Americans, and to the legitimate President of these United States in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, Donald John Trump. So help me God.

Nuff Said
