Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Circle Double O





As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So it was a nice late fall day, so TL and I stopped into the Junk Yard Guys empire and were rummaging around as we needed some truck tires, and I mean a real truck, not a pick up. So as we were climbing over Helicopter Mountain, JYG and I were talking, and later he started telling us stories about being a cowboy. I don't think he ever was a cowboy but he had created his own brand and that got us onto the subject of horses.

So he starts in with, "Yeah I went up to the horse sale, and bought a horse. I wanted one with big feet so it wouldn't fall into gopher holes and dump me off. So I bid on a mare, a bred mare, which apparently was a pinto, and I was all excited until it got into the pen to pay and then my mare was a gelding, So much for the horse I was going to have to sell. Well it took a rope from one end of the sale barn to the trailer and everyone pulling, but we got my horse loaded.
It kicked the hell out of the trailer and the trucker said he wasn't going to charge me for that, so we backed up to the barn and dumped it off, and next thing you know the horse relaxes and he has a sway back.
Thing is after he relaxed some more, his nuts dropped and I had a stud horse.
I broke him though. He bucked me off, but he was a good horse until I couldn't afford to keep him anymore, and sold him for a 100 dollars, glue horse he was, so I got paid what I paid for him".

As this was hillarious in the adventures of JYG, he started telling us, "You know there was a farmer who had a fat horse. The farmer said the horse wasn't fat, just allot of power. He was a sway back too, you could dump a 5 gallon bucket of water in his fat back, and it would hold it like a bird bath.
So I got on that horse and he took me for a ride. I pulled his head clear around to the right and clear around to the left, and that horse just kept right on going. Two miles we went, through the fences, and I didn't know if I should pull my feet up or keep them wrapped around. Next thing I know is we hit the highway, and I thought, "Oh my God, cars and trucks driving by, I'm going to get killed!", but just like that, the horse did a U turn and we headed back full gallop to the place as my ride was over."

I was about rolling on the pavement as he was telling the last one, as he tells stories really well, and their ain't a rural kid who has not had some experience with the neighbor's horses trying to kill you. For some reason the country was always full of stupid kids who just loved horses and farmers who had horses which had not been ridden since the summer before.
 I will admit that JYG"s mounts were a bit more like a cartoon, but then again, we had a 3 legged horse and our neighbor had a horse so old he was fossilized and yet alive.

I though never bought a bred mare that turned into a gelding that turned into a sway back stud horse. Never road the plough horse from death either.

See you just go shopping and no one talks to you. We get stories in all kinds of things I learn that for someone who thinks they know everything, that is a big inventory that JYG opens our world up to.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
