Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Question No One is Asking


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If one has paide attention, the DIA sources which made John Solomon and Sara Carter have vanished, and the exclusives have vanished too. The Lame Cherry is thankful for this exile, as Sara Carter posted something which turned the lights on here in explaining something.

We know there was a pre planning by the 1% in the Capitol riots, so it stands to reason there were post Capitol riots plans too. We are in the midst of the FBI hunting people down and greater gun control events to trigger Kamala Harris' plans, but it was Sara Carter contacting the FBI over Bank of America handing over credit card data to the FBI, in which she asked if other banks or card companies were involved and if there were any warrant's signed, which revealed a great deal in the FBI non answers.

In other words in tracking down Americans, the FBI has had access to every person's credit cards from ALL companies. This is illegal IN MOST CASES.

We also know in the FBI bragging about apprehending Americans, that they note the cell phone was active on Capitol Hill.

Project that out and it means the FBI has access to everyones cell phone data too. Again this is illegal IN MOST CASES.

I will get to the punchline in this after the lnik.

Bank of America giving federal agencies customer data to ...

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Thursday claims that his team has received evidence that Bank of America is providing federal law enforcement agencies its customers' private information as they hunt down those involved in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, accusing the bank of "effectively […] acting as an intelligence agency.". In response, outraged customers are boycotting ...

Recall now in the confirmation testimony of Attorney General Merrick Garland in he sounded brain dead like Joe Biden. His stating that when terrorism happens at night it is not terrorism was just ludicrous. Garland though said something else bizarre in mentioning the Capitol Bombing, when there was not any bombing, just pipe bombs as the DNC and RNC which the FBI can not find the bomber.

Garland stated he would coordinate with FBI Director Christopher Wray as his first order of taking office.

Biden's attorney-general pick drops grenade, cites ...

Judge Merrick Garland, in a Senate hearing regarding Joe Biden's nomination that he be the new U.S. attorney general, dropped a grenade into the quiet surroundings. He cited the "Capitol bombing" as something he'll look into. Article by Bob Unruh from WND.

Is there something to Garland's Biden Speak, like Biden stating he had built the greatest vote fraud machine? I submit there certainly is and I am getting to the punchline in this.

Pipe Bombs in Washington, D.c. — Fbi

One pipe bomb was placed at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee (RNC), located at 310 First Street Southeast, and the other was placed at the headquarters of the Democratic...

This blog published a detailed forensic psychological analysis of the bomber and on what Sara Carter discovered and Merick Garland added, that projection is forming another horizon point.

The question in this remains in how someone could get into the Capital and out, planting bombs, making bombs, and the FBI has no idea who this person is, increasing a reward to 100,000 dollars. They used no phones, no credit cards and had transportation in and out, or they never left DC.

Study the only releases photo of this person, and ask yourself in the preparations they appear to have made, are they professional or some kook off the ANTIFA bus?

This is a meticulous person. Clean, well groomed, well prepared down to gloves chosen for dexterity. It almost looks like this person was trained. It almost looks like this person knew how to get in and out of DC because they were from inside the system.

Now for your cutting to the chase question, "In post planning, of setting up MAGA to be framed for the Capitol Riots, what would you need to cut through the red tape of Constitutional Rights?"

Would not a bomber trigger the George W. Bush's Patriot Act where window breakers would not? Would it not be of benefit to have pipe bombs placed by an unrelated FBI agency, so the FBI and DOJ could be alleviated from warrants, and just dive right into the NSA banking files and cell phone files of all Americans?

Yes it would be most fortunate to have a mysterious pipe bomber appear to free up the hunt for Americans, and not have to have pesky FISA warrants or other warrants.

This blog warned you of this in the FBI Set up of Richmond pro gun rallies last year, that the FBI was collecting all credit card and cell phone data on people as this was declared an emergency situation, based on bogus "white power" briefings the FBI was providing the Governor of Virginia, based on one dolt who got into America out of Canada, a duo who tried to build a gun in their garage, and graffiti on a Jewish building. That is not a white power movement, that is 3 dolts who look like they were on the FBI pay list.

So how convenient is it that a bomber the FBI can not find, who now projects to have been trained, as they built pipe bombs which the FBI an not trace on parts either, so this elusive bomber, has opened the entire Pandora's Box of what Sara Carter is investigating in violating every American's Rights.

Remember in memory alpha that it was John Brennan illegally running a CIA operation to frame Trump supporters via James Comey's FBI, with DOD asset Stefan Halper framing people. Does not this bomber have a statistical chance of being someone on the inside to help the criminalization of Nationalists in America, which is why the DIA helped keep Hillary Clinton from stealing the election in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

As Alex Jones states we were set up. His buddy Mancow states tht Jones was to be arrested as sa ring leader, but instead like Trump told people to stand down. Qanon which is a DIA operation from the inside, set this mania up, and as the DIA has been leaking to Devin Nunes, John Solomon, Sara Carter, and according to Joel Skorsen was the source in the NSA leaking to General Flynn, Sidney Powell and General McInerney, we are looking at a Pentagon deep operation against thee American People. So how far out of bounds in known performances in Russiagate is it to look at a well fit, confident, skilled and successful pipe bomber in DC, to be something that has a military background and was sent out to, help along the legal problems of Americans having Rights, by engaging in planting crude devices never meant to blow up, in order to trigger Patriot Act in hunting down Americans in removing all of their rights.

I was laying in bed a 5 o'clock in the morning when this Inspired idea started formulating and it is the only projection which makes any sense in what fits what we have seen. How else would they get your phone and credit card information, which then drives directly to opening your passport and driver's license, for a photo confirmation, which is not always right as the FBI was hounding an individual who never appeared in DC and was home. In that, did the FBI have the person whose' identity had been stolen, and this was what the pipe bomber used.

There is a further projection in this, and beyond Nancy Pelosi's call to slaughter Americans from machine gun nests on Capitol Hill.. It is those walls they put up so very quickly, as if this had been post planned.

Joe Biden has not been in the White House. He is somewhere else. DC is an expendable National Guard group gaurding nothing as the city collapses. As there are not any people there to riot nor will be, as anything going into DC is checked even with dogs, just what would the dogs be checking for?

Yes that would be explosives, but Pelosi's General Honore was retweeting about the necessity of dogs, when no MAGA people were carrying anything explosive. Again project this out, as pipe bombs do not need walls, so what does need walls?

The answer would be destructive force. This is not bioweapons, this is not chemical weapons. What is projecting in this is, of course nukes would go through walls, so walls are unnecessary. So what if the walls are to keep something back to give  time to escapse, something like a dirty bomb, would fit what we have seen.

I am not reaching here, but reminding that people did die on January 6th. Two police officers committed suicide as they were upset about something which took place in setting people up.  I do not know what killed people, other than "natural causes", but e weapons have been created that give heart attacks.

All of this goes back to, perhaps the FBI has been contacted and the pipe bomber has not been silent. Perhaps the credible threat is something else the pipe bomber has, and has provided enough atomic proof to convince the need for walls. There is a reason those walls are up and the date was pushed back to March. Granted Pedo Joe is probably going to be removed by that time, but with Pelosi having plotted to remove the nuclear codes from Biden, that too looks like a nuclear event is somewhere in the shadows and known, and Pelosi does not want Biden or Harris starting a nuclear exchange, when there is a statistical chance that this bomber is on the inside and the progression has been to deny Americans their rights, illegal searching them by Patriot Act, and what event would trigger the coming gun control?
Is it not possible the 1% does not want senile Joe launching nukes in a hazed panic, when all that is wanted is to round up Americans for the gulag?

NOT MENTALLY FIT: 36 Democrats Demand Biden Give Up Nuclear Codes

All we have is reasonable deduction and speculation, as there is not going to be any information released to a corrupt press and no oversight from a corrupt Congress. We all can see something is going on, we all know we are being lied to, and yet there are these certains like this pipe bomber, which indicate an inside the Beltway manipulation has been post operationally been engaged in.

There is something out there and it was used to frame 100 million Americans, deny them their rights and produce the intimidation which is taking place. Joel Skoursen stated it was NSA and other agencies in disinformation, and he is GOP insider. It appears we are getting close to something beyond Pedo Joe being shown the door.

What is Wag the Biden all about, as Americans are suffering the consequences.

Nuff Said

