Thursday, September 30, 2021

Vax Gender


What do you mean this vax has side effects?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We have all heard the horror stories of the vax among  the common people, the cloth of the land, the deplorables, the expendables, the American people. None of the elite though have gotten sick or died, thus bringing the conclusion that there are two vaxed, one for normal people and one for the 1%.

Interestingly, new information has come to light that the 1%'s vax does indeed have some side effects, which even they did not know.

The KKK used to do this for free for Negroes....
Now Moderna does it for 5000 dollar a vax.

The first recipient of the vax has been discovered from 1979 AD in the year of our Lord. The recipient just gushed over his and or her, now called gender over their vax.

Daddy was my Vice President, so that makes me, Liz's
other lesbian sister right?

Yes Barack Hussein Obama was bravely engaged in gene therapy in 1979 and rewarded with a vagina and the US Presidency.

Hello there lil Mic.

Whether this comforts anyone in the 99% in the 1%'s special vax has grown balls on women and vaginas in men, and made George Bush and Liz Cheney into one gender, remains to be seen as does dead people and people drowning in their own lungs from Remdesivir equals being a genetic freak.


This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
