Wednesday, September 29, 2021



All Chinamen know how to walk, not all know how to swim. So we 
fight a land war for Europe, not an ocean war against America.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry has explained the Chinese are a stupid racist people who are deluded by their own one dimensional intelligence. When the 1% told them how bright they were, they believed it, and bought into everything from Bush capitalism to Fauci biological weapons.

The Chin have believed they would inherit the earth of the Colonial British because they were told this. They believe Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia and America are their coming possessions. They never consider that the Asian Ashkenaz bankers of the Assyrian German league are never going to elevate power to slant eyed shifty bastards like the Chinese as the Chin are just glorified monkeys according to the Order.

So the Chin seek the path of Imperial Japan in 1940 to take the Pacific and make war on America, because they are that one dimensional. They see the 1% degrading America and think it will be simple with the Chinese 5th column of immigrant invaders.
Peking does not factor in that it has zero naval power for such an adventure as every step is precarious in using alternative means, and the 1% knows this, and that is why when China is lured out, it will cripple America and be killed itself, leaving the old Order to rule the world.

Of course China believes Russia will stand by her. Vladimir Putin's silence means Russia has worked out a plan with the Germanic Austrians as the British intend, which will promise China assistance in this war and then switch sides and China will be killed and divided up.

For that reason, Peking's policy of American focus and Pacific Doctrine is as stupid as a Chinaman. Dictator Biden handed China Afghanistan to lure China into the Mideast to kill China. Dictator Biden is now providing nuclear submarines to Australia which will cut off and kill Chinese supply shipping once China is lured into this global war.

For China to attempt to project power into the Pacific is it's most awful blunder. Here is the advice of the Lame Cherry and the poor orphan girl is always correct.

China must not sail east. China must march to the west.

-Lame Cherry

This is a pretty map which explains China in the Great Eurasian War. It is shortsighted for China to take on America due to American military power, and the fact that military power answers to the global political power in Europe. Neutralizing America, still leaves the real hydra head in Europe to manipulate and enslave the war torn China. China must move it's entire war effort to the west by land, as Chinese PLA have feet to walk, not water wings for the Pacific to drown under.

This policy neutralizes the American Pacific response to a naval war with China. China should produce a series of hydrogen bomb mines to protect it's water coasts. China makes peace with Japan, forgets about South Korea, Taiwan, and secures rice supply from Indonesia and Vietnam. China goes nowhere near Australia with it's atomic submarines.

China also secures peace with India. Give India the disputed lands which are rocks anyway. Secure food treaties with India, and nuclear India ceases to be the fodder for the globalists against China.

China has now secured it's Pacific and Indochina borders.

Now that China has tidied up it's rear and left America with naval war power and no China to deal with, China is ready for it's objectives which matter.

Hence the pretty map you have been peeking at.

China forms two spears. Yes one goes through the Khyber and would be cut off by the United States if America was brought into the war, but like Hitler, China moves all to keep America out of the war.

The Southern Spear enters Afghanistan and into Iran. Raw materials and oil are the objective. That spear splits to taking Saudi Arabia, with the purpose of then a Horn of Africa bridge to oil and food in Africa across the Red Sea. The other spear moves into Syria from Iraq, again oil is here, and then moves up to join the Northern Spear which has crossed north of the Caspian in Kazakhstan.

The Northern Spear would require Russian permission as it crosses Russian territory. Russia would accept this in the beginning in hoping the double cross would prevail, but once 100 million Chinese were in those lands, crossing into the main objective of Georgia in the Caucasus, Russia would be more inclined to accept Chinese bribes of handing Russia Scandinavia and Poland after the matter was settled.

What the PLA would enact at Georgia is a reverse of the 3rd Reich's spear entering this region. China would pour itself out of the Caucasus into central Europe and smash into Ukraine for the ultimate objectives of those New World Order European Order powers who started this entire end game to rule the world.

Once China is in Europe, it has Russia energy supply and food, In Europe it has advanced technology and more food. China on the Rhine and raping the hell out of The Hague peoples, thus isolates America as Russia has been itching to knock the hell out of England for years, so.........Russia takes out London and the big aircraft carrier of war which America depends upon vanishes under Russian boots on the ground.

The shortsighted would say, "Why help the Chinamen?' I'm not helping the Chinamen. My intent is to save Americans who got roped into all this shit by their treacherous leaders. The alternative has been covered here in China will come for Alaska and invade America and wipe out Australia. In the long term a world with Russia and China in Asia and Europe scatting about would be a friction for them. The Eurasians would benefit from North and South America with Australia trading which would include Japan and the Pacific rim. China's population is dying out by 2050 AD in the year of our Lord. It does not need colonies which would suffice as much on Mars. This would be a new world order without the old world order of Europe. It would be attainable for China as it has feet and not water wings to fight a war.

Are there logistical problems for China. Most certainly, as China would have to move extremely fast to take Europe and to hold Russia at bay, along with keeping America in riot to not join in, in another global war of death.

China would probably strategically wait until the Europeans in preparation for their "American Chinese  War" would begin projecting European Military Power, the real EMP. Europe must have resources and Dictator Biden in the 1% advice has made Europe wary of America over Afghanistan and the French are ready to break over Dictator Biden's nuclear arming of Australia. Europe is now isolated, so it must project power. Energy crisis by the 1% in Europe is making Europe aware of their vulnerable nature to Russian supply, so the real supply is Libya in North Africa, and the Jew Mideast energy pipelines. This will require military protection and once Europe moves into those areas, Peking can cry foul and go bat shit crazy and begin marching west over the European war of colonization.

So this is the logical projection. The projection actually follows a sort of Mahdi revelation as the Muslims with Chinese backing will move west too at the Jews. The Europeans will seek to hold the line and the line in history is that region which Pharaoh met the Babylonians and the Egyptians were slaughtered. The place is the Vale of Jezreel, the Valley of Sharon, or you know it as the Hill of Megiddo or in Greek, Armageddon.

With China knowing the Biblical outcome, it would do China a strategy to outwit the Bible and march into the area swiftly before the Europeans could assemble or Moscow could get upset and move forces into the region too. Get to the battlefield first that you are going to be defeated on, and you don't get defeated as you have the territory.

Voila, Chinageddon then is moved to North Africa and the Caucasus, as the reality is China will project a Ukraine northern spear here and a Georgian southern spear. The Ukraine spear will no doubt break through and outflank to the south the Europeans and the Georgian spear will then break out too.

All of this by passes Turkey which is bad company and again you need boats to get across the isthmus.

 Better the Chinaman walk than float.

-Lame Cherry .

This war fought in deserts is preferable in the Gobi, Mideast and North Africa. It is a projection that the European Order will sue for peace to become Peking vassals about the time the PLA breaks into the Slavic lands.

China is going to be killed if it keeps fucking around with 1% ideas of fighting a water war and not playing nice with Japan, Australia and India. China must fight a land war to cut off the head of the hydra in Europe which is it's real problem. The east is a water desert. The west is a raw material, oil and food bonanza with nothing that can stop the PLA.

This is the correct policy in China rewrites Armageddon for it's success instead of it's defeat.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
