Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Crime and Disorder


It's almost as if I win by Magic

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading this bizarre warning from a leftist named Rick Hasen, who is for the 1% laying the groundwork for the charge that Trump steals the 2024 election. Hasen does not provide the evidence, but reports are that DIA"s Steve Bannon is helping to put Trumpophiles into all the election board positions. That is what politics are. You show up with the best organization and you gain control of your politics.

Just read the propaganda in knowing that Hasen is knowingly in this waving a red flag in front of Americans, as Americans cringe in revulsion over the word democracy, as the word is the Republic.

You could look at 2020 as the nadir of American democratic processes, or you could look at it as a dress rehearsal,” says Hasen, a professor of law at UC Irvine.

To understand this fragile moment for American democracy, you could take a 30,000-foot view of a nation at the doorstep of a constitutional crisis, as Robert Kagan recently did for the Washington Post. Or you could simply look around you at what’s happening at the ground level, in broad daylight, visible to the naked eye, as Hasen has been doing. As he sees it, it’s time for us all to wake up.

“I feel like a climate scientist warning about the Earth going up another degree and a half,” Hasen told POLITICO Magazine in an interview this week. “The rhetoric is so overheated that I think it provides the basis for millions of people to accept an actual stolen election as payback for the falsely claimed earlier ‘stolen’ election. People are going to be more willing to cheat if they think they’ve been cheated out of their just desserts.”

Hasen solutions was to appeal to Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney to draft liberal legislation to change established voter fraud laws, and is not that stupid in knowing that Trumpophiles would never accept those measures of weakening election security.
Hasen's complaints are that Georgia passed a law that people could not give voters water in line and this was election theft which would keep voters out of lines from thirst. Normal people would say,' Maybe bring your own bottled water to solve the problem". These complaints are ridiculous and designed to be to alienate those on the right.

What Hasen does not address while mocking Italian satellites stealing elections is the real problem in who in the Defense Intelligence was feeding Michael Flynn that information and why is democrat Michael Flynn protecting them?

Hasen never mentions the FBI hunting down Americans who were set up on January 6th, their torture to break them in jail, which democrats Durbin and Warren made an issue of in solitary confinement, and why this decades of election fraud in which leftists used to overthrow the system, from Lawernce Walsh ousting Poppy Bush for Bill Clinton. Clinton and Gore stealing elections with illegal Asian money. W. Bush making Supreme Court luck which Trump could not get a hearing in 2000. W somehow winning when John Kerry was leading. Obama ousting Hillary Clinton in vote intimidation and twice having 10 million GOP votes disappear twice to put a Bither.....yes another fraud in America into the White House, just because Obama was their Designer Negro so laws did not matter.

Everyone knows there has been a long history of crooked criminal elections. This police state smearing of the political majority in America with this White Supremacist fiction which Hasen agrees with along with all of this woke funded Soros and Buffett anarchy for the Obama machine.

Yes for the left burning down cities is politics. Vote fraud proving democrats cheat is just politics. It is always just politics as long as they win.

The 1% has designed this well. The left is legitimizing election theft as the Trumpophiles are legitimizing the election steal.

There is a rabid toxicity of a neurosis which are elections and the elected.  Americans on the vax go to meetings and they are dismissed in their concerns. Congress does not bother to reply to constituents any more. There are not any checks and balances. America has a dictator at 1600 Penn Avenue protected by a police state, which hunts down Americans on the right and protects the terrorists on the left.

The Lame Cherry does not get worked up like Hasen over this, as I'm finished with giving any support to this corrupt system. Naming frauds installed in government as legitimate is just completing the overthrow of government.

The first step in this is to refuse to be a part of it. That does not mean one stops participating but it means one keeps stating what bullshit this all is and refusing to be a peg hammered right or left and made to follow the frauds who are all on the 1% payroll or none of them would not be in power or having the big dollar jobs.

Do you really think that dictator in California Gavin Newsome won in a recall with almost 70% of the vote? That beats Dictator Joe Biden. Hell that beat Messiah Obama. No way in hell in any democracy does any politician win with that kind of vote count. Best any do is 60 40.

So hell yes 2020 was a warm up for 2024, hell it was a warm up for 2021, it is a warm up for 2022, all years of the Lord, but all frauds in the elections of America.

Nuff Said
