Wednesday, September 29, 2021

I see...........I see you donating because I saved your life....

the only charisma you will ever need....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm going to try to compose this without being offensive as how Jesus deals with those who make a living off His Name and end times propaganda is Jesus venue and not mine.

TL has mentioned to me that the Durdan Bros have been featuring a great deal of work of Michael Snyder. He has books out, is another doomsdayer and featured a Heidi Baker, who I wasted about 10 minutes jumping around on a 3 hour entertainment for those who go to religion for songs, what sounds like talking in tongues and more promises of doom and gloom. You can read some quotes below and the Lame Cherry wills to address this stuff as I have before but we have new readers here and old readers need to be reminded of things to get their heads out of their asses too.

New Heidi Baker Prophecy - 'Suffering
Like You've Never Seen' Is Coming - Snyder

“I was groaning, and I realized I was groaning for America,” Baker says. “I started seeing it, and it was showing me His glory. But He was also showing me suffering like you’ve never seen. I said to the Lord, ‘they don’t want to hear it, they don’t want to see it.’ And he said to me, ‘Are you to going tell them, who are you? You said you would go anywhere and say anything.

” I said, ‘Lord, I’m so, so sorry, I will go if you ask me. I lay my life before you.’ I was seeing shaking, but I saw His glory. All I can say is that you had better fix your eyes on Jesus. This is not a time to play games. There is darkness covering the earth, huge darkness, but the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Hold on and stay in your lane. Remove the judgment you have on the body of Christ. If you have judgment, you are going to be missing a piece you need to move in these days.

I will remind all of you what the Lame Cherry is, besides the best blog ever and cutting satire. If you ever watched the program on CBS called The Mentalist, he explained a great deal of how scam artists always operated and he exposed them.

People want to believe in things, and in simple Sherlock Holmes observations, you can tell a great deal about people as tells, and build on them to make people think you are gifted. Pick common names in do you know a John as most do, and you start leading them forward.

Christians are the worst dupes as much as liberals or Trump supporters as Qanon proved in that Michael Flynn run DIA operation. Tell people what they want to hear, and they will donate and suck it all in. My problem is I tell people the Truth and most do not like that so they sulk and bitch.

Ok The Mentalist, besides the con artists, there are Sherlock Holmes brilliant minds like Gerald Celente who does the Trends Journal. He makes projections based on data and I do that often enough here. You assemble data, or in my case the Holy Ghost leads me to reams of useless Jeopardy information, I store it in the 486 processor and sooner or later I see a pattern and start assembling things.

Things that bother me like Remdesivir as a humanicide, I get moved, start researching and in knowing how intelligence forensic psychological manipulation is conducted, the Lame Cherry can assemble enough leads to know what is behind the curtain.

What I'm trying to convey is, most of you are lazy. You jump to conclusions, have zero Holy Ghost insights, so you get things emotionally wrong. There is a Gift in this and that talent, but most of you will not put in the effort and if someone is telling you things are going to go bad you are going to believe it, because people want to believe in terror as they like being scared, as yes Claudia, most of us ran to our parents when we were afraid as children, and we liked that security, so we return to it time and again.
It is why shock and awe works. It breaks people down to their youngster. It is why the vax lockdown worked as it took all of you children back to your being punished by your parents, and you would accept anything if you could just go out and play again. People accept a death vax, just so they can go out and play again. See you learn things the 1% knows that you never suspected in how easy it was for them to manipulate you as they know your triggers.

OK, so you have cheats, you have people who use reasoned deduction and then you have the few that are Inspired by God.

The 3 hours of Heidi Baker if you know what you are watching is, you are watching a wearing down session for people to accept what she says to have it ended. They endure it because being there means God must love them. The plinking keyboard is annoying to you in the background, but it is like the swing of a pendulum in hypnosis, except it uses sound. Instead of sight trance, this is a sound trance, where you are conditioned to believe what this person is telling you.

If you look at the above, do any of you need to be told that you are unhappy, that things are precarious and that a darkness has filled humanity? No you do not, because you have some common sense. That does not make you Prophet, it makes you a person who has some common sense. You are here because you recognize things said here, agree with what the alarm bells are going off in your head and souls already.

I have noticed numbers of people who have no insights like Jeff Rense to Biblical Prophecy, using words that approach end times. David John Oates is having non stop reversals from Biden and others in calling this vax the MARK, as in the Mark of the Beast (Government). It is on every persons mind. We all know things have been quite wrong for decades since Art Bell called it the Quickening as things seemed to have sped up.

The reason this Lame Cherry has been talking about the Great Eurasian War for decades is because it is a logical projection. I can see it and feel it. I'm just reminded by something in I'm going to try and steer Armageddon. Yes I'm feeling moved to influence and write the time line, in order to save your lives, even if it is better that most of the evil non donating trash should be dead. I do not want war to come to me or you, so I'm going to attempt to shift the war.

It is better to do that, as you can not stop Armageddon. God said it is, so it will be. He does not tell me though that I can not shift it and who knows, this little orphan girl poor of donations might be a key part in this to generate it this way.

No matter in the above, the reality is that you are not being told non stop doom and gloom here. I warn you what I see, what I project, sometimes I inquire and sometimes you get things from  God, but in this private conversation here, you are told to responsible, not make yourself a target and more to the point, to PREPARE. Jesus told the parable of the 10 virgins and their lamps for a reason in telling you to prepare, so prepare.

You do not need plinker keyboards to tell you what you feel in something bad is out there. That is your Spiritual warning system like a deer feeling a wolf it does not see. You just get ready, keep getting ready and when things continue to degrade you will make calm and reasonable decisions, not reacting in panic. You will be your own worst enemy and after that, those idiots close to you, who will feel they have to do something which will get people killed, as their doing will be actions that expose your location.

This Heidi Baker was featuring something I caught in "God will provide plenty". in these worst times. God has not provided me plenty of anything but problems to work through my entire life, so do not expect Him to be filling up oil jars daily with a widow woman, when you should be having your supplies already piled up. Noah built the boat. God did not float it by and tell him to jump on. You remember that.

If enough people go zombie and die, then maybe there will be enough plunder, but with the Dictator and his GOP Governors dumping in millions of unfriendly eaters, I really do not have much hope that unvaxed vermin from Mexico, Haiti and Afghanistan are going to not be breaking into houses or carving off ass steaks from people they just raped to death. So get your supplies and get ready and if necessary start resupply in another year in recycling new supplies in.

Everyone of you want the insider information. Is why numbers of you are here. Numbers of you got suckered by Qanon and others are thinking anything that tinkles of Jesus is a sure bet. God gave you an inner voice and common sense. You can feel some shit is out there so be adult, get prepared and wait for this klusterfuck to consume itself and then assess from that position the next move if the internet is gone and you no longer have me pulling your ass back from the abyss.

Nuff Said
