Sunday, September 26, 2021

Coffee Tea & Vax Me

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Americans became coffee drinkers in response to English tea taxes. It was in the next century that it was discovered high doses of caffeine would increase productivity. This was put into full force as much as tobacco in the American Civil War, where Americans were exposed to high octane coffee compared to the Europeans.

The American Soldier was boiled up coffee as black as tar, into which their hard tack with weevils was softened in the brew, to produce a killing machine for Lincoln's War.

This was still in an era when humans died from eating too cold of cherries on a hot day.

Aug 6, 2021 ... The rise in transport costs, linked to a shortage of shipping containers, could play a major role in driving up pricesCoffee is normally ...

It was later learned in World Wars that Americans could be evolved even further into production machines. Just get them stimulated with massive amounts of coffee and production increased as did sex drive, and to neutralize the effect, tobacco was pressed into profitable service.

Over 200 years Americans have been fed depressants in alcohol, stimulants in coffee and relaxants in tobacco.  In order to progress the rot of culture, various narcotics were infused into society in the 1960's.

If you have not noticed, the pacifiers of cheap beer, has been removed, as much as professional sports to bleed of tensions, cigarettes for a calming effect over prices, and now...............\

The stimulant to make Americans produce in coffee has been deliberately removed from society. Americas have been replaced by foreign vermin.

There is a new policy of the 1%, Americans are being devolved from a hyper productive genus to a new zombie vaxed grouping.

Projection, stimulation has an effect on the synthetic prion conversion in the human body.

Nuff Said

