Sunday, September 26, 2021

Dif Between an American Dictator and an American President


Makin' the Delivery

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hello my name is La'me Cherry.

I realize that most of you have never known a real President as leader. Most of you have forgotten what it was like to have an American President who actually is a pro American President. You have forgotten what is was like to have Ronald Reagan in the White House, as all you have had since 1998 are these international socialist of the world order engaged in genocide against you.

Biggest LA Port Faces Massive Traffic Jam
As Over 60 Ships Unable To Unload Their Cargo

To make this educational, this poor orphan girl is going go solve a problem Americans have had for two years, showing that Donald Trump was incapable and that Dictator Biden is another tool of the 1%.

OK you can't get ass wipe under Trump and no it costs like 25 bucks a roll to wipe your ass.

So now your grocery shelves are missing lots of things. You can't get like cars, predator callers and cream. It is blamed on shipping, it is blamed on whaterer shit as the 1% are hording goods to rob you first  and to have lots of warehouse things when everyone is dead or can't work.

OK President Cherry fixes this so you can wipe your ass cheap.

You remember those abused National Guard members after Jan6 that the Nancy was abusing in cold sheds, well they are all standing around with fingers in their asses like most of the finger in the ass military now that they forgot how to die for their Dictator with a vax in the arm.

So you got the West Coast all lined up with ships. You got US Navy bases all doing what Navy bases do in being fags. So as President you just order the Navy and Army to offload all the goods. All takes 3 days, and in 3 more all that ass wipe and China shit is in American driven trucks to your store and your shelves are full as are your toilet paper dispensers.

Military quartermasters aren't doing jack or shit anyway. Give the military wokesters something to do before they die for the Dictator in the Great Eurasian War.

No need to get no man hard ons over this. Just reminding you what an American President of a Republics governs like.

Just reminding you there is another way.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
