Sunday, September 26, 2021

Vax Gene Replication - Cancer Gene Replication


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca announced Sunday “groundbreaking” results in a trial of a new breast cancer drug which they say has been proven to reduce the risk of death or disease progression by 72 percent, compared to existing treatments.

The drug company said the results of its trial of Enhertu medication in treating the currently incurable HER-2-positive breast cancer showed “a strong trend towards improved overall survival.”

AstraZeneca said Enherthu, when coupled with chemotherapy, was shown to be twice as effective in controlling the disease as the similarly intravenous antibody drug TDM1, the current standard of care medication.

Chemotherapy kills all. Kills the immune system. Weaponized HIV kills the immune system automatically. Rheumatoid Arthritis kills the immune system. The vax synthetic prion kills the immune system automatically.

The vax is gene therapy. In transhuman it is not meant to kill but transform, to evolve humans.

Cancers in all weaponzied forms were not just for profits or population control but to utilize the human platform for fast gene replication.

Chemotherapy is introduced to destroy the immune system.  The vax was introduced to destroy the immune system. The immune system is the focal point of this evolutionary testing.  The immune system attacks that which is foreign. It must be neutralized in order to foster the synthetic forms being evolved. Cancer weaponzied is evolved in a mass platform in what the rapid generation is to attain. The vax is a hybridized prion for fast replication. The evolution must be a fast transformation. The energy of this transformation is the speed of light, like Christ in the tomb.

Cancer is abnormal cell rabid cell replication. The synthetic prion is an abnormal rapid cell replication. 

Chemotherapy is not a treatment. It is an enhancement platform to keep antigens from harming the cancer. Ultra Violet Radiation is linked to the prion.

