Saturday, September 25, 2021

Coming in Second


As the second most beautiful woman in DC, I support
coming in second

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This paid for lecture by other donors who do not want to stand before Christ and explain why they bought pizza porn instead of supporting the work of the Lord here. With that out of the way, what you are learning here today is preparation and do not deceive your wee minds into how bright you are, as you have not prepared jack or shit in what is coming.

What are you going to do when there are road blocks?

Have no idea do you.

So your first lesson is you pull out maps of your region and you find every secondary and back trail for 50 miles around you. The tidal wave lecture was preparation in your getting a wire cutters, figuring out your Goddamn Prius is going to get you stuck in the mud, and that you have no idea how to navigate where you live beyond the pavement.

Be aware that drones are gong to be active in road blocks to check if you are vaxed. Do not think that just because you hit a rural area that you will be safe. Comprehend that like the Jew scrubbing the floor toward the door at Auschwitz, that you need a reason why the hell you are gong where you are going.

Ever heard of a chain saw? Thing does not have to run no more than you have to be that bright. You get stopped, you are just out to cut some wood on some lots your Uncle has. Most of you have some kind of family so you do not have to lie, but keep your story simple and without details. Just be smart enough to know the location and you are going to cut wood.

That is the worst case. Best case is you are moving on secondary roads. You pay attention where the trees shadow the road so you can stop, a building you have permission to park in, as maybe your are going bowhunting shooting at targets, so that you can look for drone in the sky if the drones are looking at you, and all they see is dim wit you looking like you are doing something they don't give a shit about.

Your worst case is being a dumb ass and driving up to  vax block and then trying to turn off or turning around. You do not get into that situation ever.

I will tell you what we do and I have done this for most of the time TL has been in the brier patch. I make this a practice because our highway dicks have taken to hunting people to rob them. Yes I have seen 4 cops on secondary roads, but that is 1/8th of the cops I see on main roads or in town.

I go into town the back way. I take the frontage roads. I try to move on roads the cops are not on. You can not get a ticket or stopped if you are not where the cops are. I will mention that every local cop knows me, because they know JYG who is always having legal problems due to JYG letting his dog run, cats on the road or some dolt tries selling him stolen property. I park out front, I know the cops run my tags, they know I get salvage items and they leave me alone. They leave me alone because they think JYG is an idiot, so they think I'm an idiot. I appreciate people with guns knowing I'm an idiot.

We go home on gravel a great deal, have done this so much that even the local people recognize our pick up, so we belong and they wave at us. Yes it takes me 35 minutes to get home instead of 15, but I don't get hunted by highway dicks.

I don't suppose you thought of taking some bicycles along with your chain saw? Great cover and if those road blocks happen, you may have to just stop your vehicle in a drone blind location and go for a bike ride. You don't look like your fleeing vax police if you are just out for a nice bike ride, now do you. You sure look like that though walking around with a pack.

You can tailor this to fishing rods, but you probably should have a fishing license. I doubt most of you can act well enough to bluff a cop or soldier, so the point is to move on back roads you are familiar with.

I have already explained our Plan A, our Plan B, and how this is moving to Plan C in a camper and then Plan D in a further retreat in a wiki up, as I understand it gets to that point, I can trust no one and we will be sold out for a jar of jelly. I do though have in mind worst case in abandoned buildings I know that would suffice for shelter. The ideal would be a dug out if I have the funds, as that is going to be another cache dwelling.

To get to all of these points though, there are plans. Plans we are prepared for. Check points happen, then we stay home and order it in. That understanding though is it will be time to start sleeping where people do not know we will be sleeping.

I was listening to Mitch Henderson who is an astute mind. He made a comment on the rural areas will be "safe". I would never count on that as that does not take into account:

  1. The National Guard being activated and nationalized.
  2.  Drones
  3. All law enforcement is under a federal system when activated.
  4. George W. Bush brought in UN and NATO patrols after 9 11.

Do not think that the Dictator could not arm thee Afghan raping pedophiles, arm the Mexican rapists, invite in Canadian or Chicom troops to set up a grid work where every county is cordoned off. There is a reason they put city highway signs on every Goddamn country road in America and have GPS logged onto every house location.

A training mandate to "curb the virus" would be where only people in this location can shop for things and all others will be arrested. This would project to your being notified that you are legally to appear at a checkpoint under penalty of detention to prove vax or deferment, without exception.

As stated Mitchell Henderson is intelligent, but it has not occurred to him nor the soldiers he has spoken to that check points can be mandated that YOU MUST TRAVEL THROUGH THEM, so you catch yourself in either not coming which would be a crime or coming so you are caught. People are thinking of this wrong in the check point catching you, instead of you catching yourself under order.

It comes to that, the only alternative is to survive by withdrawing and not going back. That means your cell phone is left behind and all tracking, including your vehicles.

You do not ever put yourself into a position of fight or flight. You never react. You calmly know your way, your alternative ways, and each decision you make, because you decided on this long ago and if something happens, you fall back, and keep falling back. You wait for a time when the check points are engaged in some war which the 1% has intended all along.
