Saturday, September 25, 2021

May Obama's Allah Save Kamala

Yes Kamala, we have COVID, but don't worry as it is all 
just a coincidence.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry has emerged as the protector of Birther Vice President Kamala Harris in advocating for her, after Dictator Biden exposed her to dangers on the border and Redneck states, and blaming her for the Dictator's policies and releasing psyops to ruin her character, there is a reality that Bidencon accepted this Black woman to gain the support of BLM as a thug force in the elections, and now the Dictator wants a a more pale legacy to follow Resident Biden in the White House.

So when I see a story where Kamala Harris is again sent out, and like President Donald Trump, seems to be the only one who has biological weapon outbreaks around them, it looks like what it is, in someone is again endangering this Birther Vice President.

I was reading recently the reality that after President Trump was exposed, the first thing that Anthony Fauci turned loose on the President was the humanicide Remdesivir which literally is the reason people are dying in hospital as Remdesvir's symptoms are COVID.

The 1% desired to be rid of Donald Trump, and the reality is, there are not any coincidences in two hosts on the liberal platform in the CIA's network of The View on ABC just happen to be carriers of COVID just as Kamala Harris is to sit down with them.

23 hours ago ... Two co-hosts of morning show "The View" tested positive for COVID-19 just before Vice President Kamala Harris was scheduled to appear in a ...

That is just too much of an opportunity to COVID Kamala and it looks like what it is, just like Donald Trump. This is bigger than politics now. I'm through with fraud voting, so my interest is the Truth, and this must stop in these set ups of Kamala Harris. I will never agree with her politics or her Birther status, but she has the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and this woman has faced now 4 coup attempts on her person.

That is an attempt on her every 2 months. How lucky can Obama's  Allah be in saving the image's main attraction. The Birther Vice President must remain secluded behind her Secret Service screen and only conduct video appearances and interviews.

Nuff Said
