Thursday, September 30, 2021

Kristi Noem - Whose Been Sleeping In My Bed


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK I was not going to comment on Governor Kristi Noem's current shit  fit of misogyny over the charge of her having an affair with Corey Lewandowski.

Apparently Lewandowski has been introducing the Corona Queen to all the important people in the GOP, so she can remain aloof and act like she is a stoned out star who has parties in their home so strangers can come by an adore them from afar.

The reason for covering the Noem affair, and I doubt this ice queen is capable of having hot nethers, as she only spread her legs for horses, is the really intriguing turn of events in this, in Corey Lewandowski who pissed off the establishment GOP, and has been bucking Nikki Haley for Kristi Noem has been teh real target all along, as Trump Esquire whose children have disappeared, was not pleased with Lewandowski promoting Noem. Put it this way, Trump does not want Haley, and probably wants that fraud DeSantis as Vice President, and the point is Lewandowski displeased the top rung.

To this enter, let me get this right, Trashelle Odom, who claims to be a mother of 5, one who is 19 years old, and ..........well she looks about 30 so her rich husband apparently knocked her up at age 11, of course fully legal..........yeah Trashelle appears to be an upgrade to the sugar dad bed post, so this entire fraud of wife and mum, as Trashelle is a bit too Politico leftwing to be believed.

Anyway, apparently a woman named Trashelle is the focus of a story of being sexually stalked, legs and ass touched and drinks thrown at her by Lewandowski who says through his attorney this is all a bit too enhanced for what really happened.

There is no word where the husband was, a big fellow. Perhaps he is so old that Trashelle had him tucked in bed as she was being Trashelle in Vegas. It is hard to protect the wife when you quality for senior citizen discounts.

Oh, and like Hyacinth Bucket, pronounced BOO kay, that Trashelle is really pronounced TRU shell. Just like Bearick Obama is pronounced Bah ROCK and like others who want not to be hemmed in by their names, become the fiction of the moment for people to roll their eyes at.

So you can see why I covered this Kristi Noem fiasco as this is just outrageously perfectly funny  Idiots who think they can play in the big leagues, piss on everyone everywhere in preening about how let them eat cake they are, they find out they should have just stayed home and did their blessed  job as Governor of South Dakota, because they are dumb as horse shit.

Tucker Carlson's DIA took out Noem and she was not smart enough to just be eye candy. If she bent at the waist, she might have got Secretary of Agriculture or Ambassador to Bulgaria. She is not Presidential or nor VP material. She is like all things South Dakota, corrupt as Tom Daschle and stupid as John Thune, I mean for pete's sake, Daschle backed Obama, was in to power and he still got nailed by Clinton's people because he betrayed her. If Daschle could not survive the big leagues, Krsiti Noem is no match for this league.

So Kristi Noem has hard a hard pollack week. First she gets accused of playing hide the penis in her twat with Corey Lewandowski, then has to get rid of the guy after crying misogyny when Trashelle Odom says the Pole was making moves on Trashelle in a city of whores not named Trashelle.

Look my sympathy is for John Odom sort of, husband of Trashelle. He wants satisfaction or something in this. I mean he is the size of the fucking Hulk, makes Donald Trump look like a white Irish penis, so why doesn't he just go pound sand on Lewandowski if his wife has been violated. Be a man and just ..........well Goddamn it man, you are an old guy. you are living large in a mid age crisis, in fast cars and you dress your wife to show her off, so don't be surprised if some pollack with a cock treats her like a whore.
John Odom needs to invest his money better. Buying into the GOP is like buying a woman named Trashelle, in you ain't going to like what you get most of the time for your buck. So now you got your 15 sexonds of fame for wiping out Lewandowski and finishing off this hose bag Noem. Your wife is forever known as a tramp and you look like the doddering old fool who can't understand why his wife smells of cock on her breath. That is what people think, whether it is the reality.  You ain't gonna ever be allowed into the GOP front door and unless your a pedo I don't think you want that group anyway. So your investment of a 100,000 bought you the exit door.

I feel bad for John Odom, but damn man, you got to know that you can't buy power as you ain't the 1%.

I do thank you for putting the Scarlet L of Loser on Kristi Noem as she is a disaster of the Jeb Bush caste. You though are stuck with the shit stain like that moron who was Valerie Plame's husband. That stink is going to follow you forever, because those who utilized you and the wife, no longer want you around.

Oh one more thing Mr. Odom, nice car man, but can you drift?

We now return you to Kristi Noem flipping South Dakota to the democrats.

Nuff Said

