Monday, September 27, 2021

Gun Shop Guy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I think it was like two months ago, I don't know, but JYG had a homemade air tank to match the one I got from him.........mine I put on JB Weld on the threads to make it hold air, and it seems like it works, but I'm really careful as at 75 psi that is shrapnel I do not want to stop. Alas if rich people donated, I would not have to put my life in jeopardy.

I forgot to pick it up and it disappeared. I think last week it reappeared, as someone probably rethrew it away as it like all things JYG was having injury problems. There is an air tank filler attachment, just a valve stem, set into a threaded bolt that is hollow that was broke on the end. JYG of course did this as he gives things a work out when they come in. So there was not any way to fill the tank.

So I picked up the wrong attachment which was a QUICK FILL that is hollow and as I do not have the money for those fun things, it was back after looking online that the store had them, and TL found them. Thank God.
Put the attachment in, and voila, portable air tank #2.

Both thanks have leak problems in the hose filler attachment and for all I know the pressure gauge on the one, as I discovered that it does indeed work, even if the glass is broke out, the dial is all rusted, but by God that needle does show I have air at least for a few hours.

I had wanted an air tank, so was going to build one. Then JYG got a new junked one in and junked his, so for 10 dollars I got that one..........damn 30 dollar hose, and I put in oil in the pump, but that works wonderfully well and I'm pleased.

In the meantime for 10 bucks JYG had sold me months ago a 100 gallon air tank or 200 gallon. It is a big blue monster thing on wheels. Of course all the parts are off and JYG was using it in the back of his truck as a portable fill tank, until he broke the hose end off, so that is how the popular girl ended up with it on the orphan weed patch in the Brier.

It has sat there, looking at me outside the shed TL and I built, but I have more shit to do than dink around with dink around projects, until of course I got the other air tank and two air tanks are more of a project and in the end I got the big plug out with the busted off brass insert.

Again, I don't have all those whizz bang gaytube tools. To do this right you should have a drill press, vice, and an easy out to screw in, which threads in backwards and you get the broken off piece out.

Having no tools to speak of, I of course decided to try as you never know if you do not try.

First thought was to file a wedge slot in on both sides and either pop it out or turn it out with a screw driver. Yeah no files that small and hole is too big for a hacksaw.

So an old tapered screwdriver volunteered to get hammered in, while in a vice. No that did not work either.

I hope you jack shitters are paying attention to this as you are going to face shit like this when things meltdown.

So I dug around in the drill bits, and found one. I figured if I drilled in from the back side, and if it caught, I could then turn that brass plug out. Well I drilled it, as brass drills easy. the bit went through, caught and all I got done with that was putting it in the vice and turning the attachment up the drill threads.

Shit. I was running out of options.

So I looked for a chisel as I figured I could maybe cut that collar down and peal it out. No chisel small enough. Did find some jack ass four sided thing, hammered on the side, did not do jack or shit either.

Again options are about run out.

So I found a file, as of course files are made to be hammered on. No they are not, but I hammered on the one end as the other was pointed and it bent. So much for files with hard steel in them on the handle end.

So I started wandering around grumbling to myself in how this does not happen in shops where people pay money for work and I was thinking on hacksaw blades when I looked up, and there on a wall of junk was this little pointed blade. I figured it was a damned wood saw blade as that is all they ever are, but looking at it, it was fine toothed..........yeah that was a metal saw blade and it was tapered so it fit in that hole far enough that I was just a hacksawing away cutting in a groove as the plan was not to put it into pieces or to hammer in another screwdriver.

Found the other volunteer screwdriver after cutting slots on both sides and of course in drilling it out, it was now too large for the screwdriver. Oh when you drill, it has to be a smaller bit than the size of the mounting piece as you do not want to cut those threads off.

So looked around some more in the shitty screwdrivers on the wall, and I found an old wooden handled one and hammered that beast in. Put a vice grip on it, it was in the vice and I just slowly turned it knowing the damn thing was going to strip the slots out again. I saw a shaving and thought, yes there it goes and started turning, it turned, and I thought this is turning easy to it must be stripped and I need to hammer and then I saw the fricking brass insert was actually coming out.

Thank God for His miracles and Holy Angels, as I had that brass plug out in a few more turns.

Now I have a shitty insert, which is half rusted on one side and good threads on the other, which will go to town and audition to see if an air hose will screw in or some kind of manifold or whatever they say those things are as I would like to put a pressure gauge in this tank and definitely I do need a hose as taking a breath with no nostrils defeats filling up the tires.

The plan is to make sure the tank is empty of water, and I think I will see if I can get some rust guard type paint, pour it in, and coat the bottom at least, put things back together and then if things fit and if JYG's valve stem works or is not another surprise in the making, I will fill this behemoth up with as much air pressure as I can get at around 100 pounds and just leave it as an auxiliary tank, that I can do quick fills out of.

Gun Shop Guy likes these tales of fixing things and I do too when they work out. The shed was like 120 degrees and that is unpleasant when things are not working out, but God thankfully intercedes before I die.

Am pleased about getting things out and moving to the part of having them fixed for use. Your adventures await you with no tools as you spent your money on whore things and cell phones.

Another day in the life of solving things on a wing and a prayer.

Nuff Said
