Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Elbrus Tracking Vax


Comrade American, your Dictator is like our Dictator, in having 
tagged you like cattle.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I desired to share this Russian post with you from Rense, which focused on the rumors that the vax, and this was Sputnik, had what is termed nano tracking RFID chips in them. The video in back engineering this, would indicate that yes 5G is a part of this in activating what is in people.

I'm going to mention an episode of Burn Notice, decade ago where the CIA had tracking powder or nano RFID chips that covered people and did not wash off. They could be ingested and people could be tracked. So that is actual technology.

What I would project in this, is most people have Wifi of some kind in their phones, computers, security systems or television. Those are the uplinks and how the human wetware is uploading to the main system at this moment.

Remember Russian Who Said There's A Tracking
Number Created By The Kill Shot And Then We Have
Seen Unique Computer Codes Being Recorded On
Mobile Devices?

These links though from Pfizer provide information after the Fauci rope a dope of your being vaxed every 3 months, so now you will not think a vax every year is so bad. The vax is a control, but it would seem to indicate in this gene altering synthetic prion, that the tracking effects flush from the body after a year.

So Alexi who is the featured rat above, will not uplink as sleeping at 3 AM if not re vaxed.

This is interesting from a study point in the AI which is tracking people, has a great deal of data, even if the data in the Elbrus uplink is only in the KB's. For an AI to understand or deduce on data  that people inactive are sleeping and not just watching television, means there must be something more involved in this in biometrics being monitored. The short of this in GPS terms, means all vaxed can be tracked and will light up around any Wifi systems. If people disappear, there is still in the tracked the knowledge in the system they are not picking up in non Wifi contact which is less of an area daily, and less with Elon Musks great SatNet which is moving to the phased array coverage of all areas of the planet.

It must be repeated here, you can wear metal mesh to block EMP, but the vaxed are already in the system. No need for vax cards or keeping track of people, because the tracking is in the human and they have already been logged when they got the vax. They know your data and your patterns in that data. They know your plans if you have any and they will know if you go off grid and where you probably are within 25 miles.

To project this out, you will remember that when Rush Limbaugh gay pricking around in Hawaii in trying to get a mandate with Obama, he got heart zapped and almost died. No more problems after that, but that is the technology which is available to turn off the human heart as it is just circuits.

A system that can turn wetware into a computer circuit this easily is also a system that can neutralize nerve impulses to shut people down who have been vaxed or unvaxed.

I have not studied the Russian data that close, but it is something to be aware of. Those who initiated and planned this, will have every avenue of escape factored in. They know your actions, and for that matter, if you think you can hide out in a dead zone, just remember that the military has thought inducing weapons, which can put thoughts into people's heads. They will just keep repeating, "Come in for the orange marmalade".

Nuff Said


Pfizer CEO Predicts 'Annual Re-Vaccinations'

Pfizer CEO Says 'Normal Life' Won't Return
Without REGULAR Covid Vaccinations
