Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Killing the COVID softly with Remdesivir


Nobody cares about the bronze or silver medals.

 Buzz Aldrin

I thought when Tony told me he was gonna kill people with bats,
I thought baseball bats!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This begins with your understanding that cancer was weaponized, HIV, Lyme, Bird Flu and even Coronavirus were all weaponized biological weapons.

I have been wondering why Remdesivir which the Chinese tried and found no use for in 2020 immediately appeared on the US stage and was pronounced a cure all. WHO has banned it for not working and Fauci promotes it. Promoted it to the assassination by drugs when Donald Trump was targeted for the virus the 3rd time in an attack inside the Whitehouse, which Chris Wallace of FOX had prior knowledge of.

Who makes Remdesivir? Gilead Sciences. As no one knows to this day what Gilead is, the Lame Cherry pieced together, enough of this puzzle which begins with the admirable Donald Rumsfeld., who draws back to the connection of the cover up the Kennedy assassination, in the Warren Commissions Gerald Ford, who Rumsfeld as leader of the young Turks installed Ford as House minority leader.

If you look at the brain trust who were anti HW Bush, and all served HW, began in the Ford regime, and that is where W Bush picked all of his talent from Frank Carlucci to Dick Cheney.

It was Rumsfeld who was installed at Gilead, which happened to produce a product with some devastating side effects for a cure, called Tamiflu which became most profitable under Defense Secreatery Rumsfeld's service.

From January 1997 until being sworn in as the 21st Secretary of Defense in January 2001, Rumsfeld served as chairman of Gilead Sciences, Inc. Gilead is the developer of Tamiflu (Oseltamivir), which is used in the treatment of bird flu. As a result, Rumsfeld's holdings in the company grew significantly when avian flu became a subject of popular anxiety during his later term as Secretary of Defense.

It was in 2020 though that Gilead was thrust forward by Anthony Fauci, in the United States purchased up the entire global supply of Remdesivir when no one else wanted it.  Make no mistake in Remdesivir kills like Covid as a treatment.

Jul 1, 2020 ... The US is buying nearly all the next three months' projected production of Covid-19 treatment remdesivir from US manufacturer Gilead.

Remdesivir is an antiviral medication developed by the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences. The company has researched the drug since 2009, originally as a potential treatment for hepatitis C and respiratory syncytial virus and then later for the Ebola virus and now COVID-19.

During 2013-14 Ebola epidemic, Gilead and the U.S. government invested research into remdesivir as a potential medication against the virus. Initial studies from joint research groups were promising, though the drug was never ultimately deployed against Ebola.

A March 2016 study published in the journal Nature found that remdesivir was somewhat effective against coronaviruses like SARS and MERS, as well as filoviruses like Ebola. The data “suggests the potential for wider medical use,” the researchers wrote.

Gilead first received a patent for the drug as a treatment for Ebola in 2017. 


As you have read, this drug has been pushed for almost every auto immune disease or bioweapon, as if someone out of Plum Island knew all of this was coming, like Bird Flu. Bioweapons and a treatment which is not effective, in fact one quarter of a teaspoon lethal in humans, as if someone was testing this humanicidal weapon on other bioweapons, in preparation for this synthetic prion.

Apr 29, 2020 ... Concerns over leaks compelled the top U.S. infectious disease official to reveal data on Gilead Sciences Inc's experimental drug remdesivir, ...

There is a connective tissue in this.in the current CEO Daniel O'Day,  who worked for Swiss pharm giant Roche until he was hired away to run Gilead. Roche was big into cancer drugs, the bioweapon kind and soon enough Gilead was priced gouging Americans over these most high priced drugs.

Key people

CVS is currently suing Gilead Sciences for blocking affordable drugs for people.

One can see the genesis of the intelligence related foundations of the deep state.  This thing has been there for a very long time, decades long, just sitting there.

 Menlo Ventures, a venture capital firm where Riordan had previously worked, made the first investment in Gilead of $2 million.[7] Riordan also recruited scientific advisers including Harold Varmus, a Nobel laureate who later became Director of the National Institutes of Health, and Jack Szostak, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2009.[8][9]

The company's primary therapeutic focus was in antiviral medicines, a field that interested Riordan after he contracted dengue fever.[10] Riordan recruited Donald Rumsfeld to join the board of directors in 1988,[11] followed by Benno C. Schmidt, Sr.,[citation needed] Gordon Moore,[11] and George P. Shultz.[11] Riordan tried to recruit Warren Buffett as an investor and board member, but was unsuccessful.

One can count the numbers in this money laundering scheme, almost 2500 dollars per human. This scheme is wroth trillions in this money transfer to the 1%.

Dead patients though tell no tales. This will bankrupt the US insurance industry and turn the entire structure of your rationed death to Dictator Care.

In June 2020, Gilead announced that the price of remdesivir is set at US$390 per vial for governments of developed countries including the United States and US$520 for private insurance companies in the US.[113] The expected course of treatment is six vials over five days for a total cost of US$2,340.[113]

In September 2020 following a review of the evidence, the WHO issued guidance not to use remdesivir for people with COVID-19, as there was no good evidence of benefit 

These links give hints to what took place at Roche when O'Day was there. Roche got out of the US lobby game and was put into financial straights, then Obama awarded them with an AIDS package.

Dec 4, 2012 ... Today Roche Diagnostics and the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS ... and is on track to meet to President Obama's goal of supporting 6 ...

Sep 15, 2010 ... Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche CEO Severin Schwan attends an ... in a fierce debate with President Barack Obama over healthcare reform. 


What it appears like is the Swiss were leveraged and this problem child of Gilead which you will find is a very interesting bastard, reared it's head as the global replacement of Roche.  This is Nazism, the 1% plugged in to the power structure, not the money structure as this is the power.

Gilead SciencesInc. /ˈɡɪliəd/, is an American biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Foster City, California, that focuses on researching and ...

Sep 14, 2020 ... In June this year, Zydus had entered into a non-exclusive agreement with Gilead Sciences Inc to manufacture and sell Remdesivir, the ...

If you examine the employment of the CEO of Gilead, he was brought in, in March of 2019, just as the the Wuhan plague was appearing in testing later that summer in electronic cigarettes.

Headshot of Daniel P O'Day

Chairman/CEO, Gilead Sciences Inc


Chairman/CEO, Gilead Sciences Inc




Director, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd


Georgetown University
Columbia University


Galapagos NV
Gilead Sciences Inc


Health Care

The charm of this bastard bioweapon treatment apothecary,  Gilead was spending a fortune from DIA hedge fund investments in black operations for 14 years. It's first money maker product was for another biological weapon treatment.

The company is named after an ancient medication 

Gilead Sciences was originally named Oligogen when it was formed in 1987. However, its name was soon changed to Gilead Sciences, which does roll off the tongue much more easily than Oligogen. The name was inspired by the balm of Gilead, an ancient medicine referenced several times in the Bible.

It took nine years before Gilead won its first drug approval

Gilead's first drug won regulatory approval in 1996, almost exactly nine years after the company was founded. That drug was Vistide, which was approved in the U.S. (and later in Europe) for treating cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AIDS

Gilead was unprofitable for 14 years

Gilead didn't become profitable until 2001 -- 14 years after the company began operations.

This is where the humor of the 1% appears. Gilead is Biblical. The Balm of Gilead which was a cure all of ancient times. It is Christian, but if you know from the Lame Cherry the real history of America, you will know that Gilead was across the Jordan River. It was a people of the Tribe of Joseph, Manasseh, the most powerful of people of the tribes. The first captured and exiled by the Assyrian Germans. The leadership of the Lost 10, thee Americans sifted across Asia and Europe.

The Balm of America, except it is not healing for all from a synthetic prion bioweapon. It is a killer of Americans. The 1% has a great deal of humor in their Biblical knowledge in thwarting Gods Plan for His chosen People of the Virgin Daughter.

Balm of Gilead, the universal cure all.

Dioscorides (De materia medica) attributes many medical properties to balsam, such as expelling menstrual flow; being an abortifacient; moving the urine; assisting breathing and conception; being an antidote for aconitum and snakebite; treating pleurisypneumoniacoughsciaticaepilepsyvertigoasthma, and gripes.[5]

In the era of Galen, who flourished in the second century, and travelled to Palestine and Syria purposely to obtain a knowledge of this substance, it grew in Jericho and many other parts of the Holy Land.


In the Talmud, balsam appears as an ointment which was a highly praised product of the Jericho plain (Shab. 26a). However, its main use was medicinal rather than cosmetic. Rav Yehudah composed a special blessing for balsam: "Who creates the oil of our land" (Ber. 43a). Young women used it as a perfume to seduce young men (Lam. R. 4:18; Shab. 26b). After King Josiah hid away the "holy oil" with which the kings of Judah were anointed, balsam oil was used in its stead (Ker. 5b). In the messianic era, the righteous will "bathe in 13 rivers of balsam" (TJAv. Zar. 3:1, 42c).


The Christian rite of confirmation is conferred through the anointing with chrism, which is traditionally a blend of olive oil and balsam.[9] Balm seems to have been used everywhere for chrism at least from the sixth century

Mar 15, 2021 ... The Balm of Gilead is a powerful symbol of Christ's power in the life of a believer beginning with the initial covenant established in the book ...

At one point the balm is what the leaders were anointed with. Now this toxin is going to anoint the anti leader of America. See this is all humor.

Aug 7, 2020 ... Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) today announced a multi-year agreement with Gilead Sciences, Inc. to manufacture and supply Gilead's investigational ...

One does not require to know the names of those guiding this. As the figureheads are unimportant at Gilead. The mission is being accomplished to overthrow not governments, not the world, but God.

Remdesivir was designed to finish off  those with an immune system pre exposed to bioweapon spike protein. The projection is these are inferior biological units with compromised immune systems which do not fit the projected outcome of the 1%. This toxin is in hospitals meant to eliminate those who have had the biological weapon, and had injected the toxin of the synthetic prion and developed COVID.

This is what the 1% knew as this was a contingency plan to deal with this. Now you are part of those who know, because a Prophetess processes information by Inspiration.

It would help if the vax tourists would stop preening about what is being handed to them in thinking how intelligent they are in knowing propaganda.

- Lame Cherry 

Nuff said

You're listening to the official audio for Roberta Flack - "Killing Me Softly With His Song" from the album 'Killing Me Softly'. This version of ...
