Monday, September 27, 2021

The Vax Inquistion


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to address this again, as this story generated in August for a reason. As we now have all lived in the future of 9 11 and Jan6ers Day, and nothing happened except the police arrested an FBI agent for having a gun in DC, we know that Homeland was spreading propaganda, just as the FBI did about Charleston, Richmond and Washington City.

Aug 13, 2021 ... Threats 'exacerbated' by pandemic restrictions and grievance-based violence, Homeland Security advisory says.

The projection on this is, if nothing happened on 9 11, nothing happened on Jan6er par dux, then people will not pay attention for the upcoming events.

The reason the Lame Cherry is focusing on this is there are projections appearing online of two Vax Orders coming out, one at Thanksgiving and one at Christmas from Bidencon. These are included in the Homeland alert of August. These are attacks on Christian Protestants for a reason to remove their identity in Fauci bans that people who are not vaxed can not have Thanksgiving and people who are not registered to be vaxed by the new year will be forced to be vaxed, so Christmas will be cancelled.

WASHINGTON, DC — The Department of Homeland Security on Friday warned of a heightened threat of terrorist activity ahead of the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. The federal agency said upcoming religious holidays could also act as a catalyst for acts of targeted violence.

According to a bulletin posted online, the Department of Homeland Security said acts of violence could be carried out by "domestic terrorists, individuals and groups engaged in grievance-based violence, and those inspired or motivated by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences."

This has nothing to do with Muslim or Jewish festivals. This is aimed by design in the cloudy words of a religious holiday. Those are Protestant American Holy Days and of course they would be chosen to unleash the final solution to this.

We are indeed at the coming line. The 1% has muddied the propaganda curve in allowing out enough information that the vax is causing the Covid waves as much as the vaxes are harming and killing people. So there is reason for those who are ReVaxNiks to remain pure. There are sound reasons to not be vaxed, so the next step will be the Dictator's regime to mandate that everyone be vaxed or face penalties.

Those behind this will force those to deny their Christ identity, and by that submission the vax possession will take place.

This may seem too unimportant, but Homeland could have just as easily chosen the World Series or Ramadan, but they did not. They chose Christian High Days, and the reason is, this is targeting the Protestants.

The pressure is going to keep building. The reality is though after the crackdown, no one is going to be baited by events which are staged. These are bellwethers to judge the place of society and while it is a victory in people are self preserving, it also is a reality that the DOJ can mass arrest and torture Americans, but Americans are not going to be baited. The 1% has all of this factored out and projected in this does not mean Americans have given up. It means instead that Americans are doing what they do best in hiding and waiting for opportunity. Granted the 1% has this projected in this event schedule to not trigger a response, but people are as they know have fallen back to their last positions. That is not to say that this will trigger in the next move by the regime, but it is a forensic psychological reality that like all things under pressure in being pushed, those people will begin squirting out the sides and take up flanking positions on the very force which has the overwhelming pressure.

What you do not understand and the 1% does as it took away outlets for emotional release, is that Americans have been acting out, even if Jeff Rense is looking for protests as the waymark. The waymark of the resistance is not being vaxed. Gaining a food supply. Not following orders and going back to vax work, getting off social media, reducing signatures and not making problems for themselves. All of these projections are showing up on the spiders in the wire. People stopping donating to political groups, people taking their names off of Congressional mailing lists. These things are data signatures which prevail and they are the reality of where the real resistance is, and it is immense.

Americans are learning, as are some Europeans, they are adjusting to the regulations in producing outcomes which defeat the mandates. It becomes a reality that  real identity can be placed under pressure in targeting Christians, but it makes them silent running and one of the best qualities Americans engage in is acting stupid. Americans are an interesting psychology in every one of them feigns they are stupid in order to find a way to liberate themselves from a situation.

The point of all of this projects that in the beginning of the cold of winter is when this inquisition will take place against Protestants around Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is by design and one can see Homeland was focused on this before August 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.

I will have to inquire of the matrix when I have time, but for the ReVaxNik the pressure period is from September 2021 to April 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. After this the projection is for overtaking events to lessen the focus on the ReVaxNik. The 1% informed all of this that 5 months from September in the 3rd booster was the end of the Covid wave.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

