Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Appliance Reservoir


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have yet to see any preppers advocating this, so the Lame Cherry is filling in the gap.

First I have a demand for you rich assholes. STOP shopping at Thrift stores or picking up Craigslist "deals" so you assholes can resell them or brag about how much money you saved. THERE ARE POOR PEOPLE LIKE ME OUT HERE WHO NEED THOSE THINGS, because you were plugged into the system and being rewarded in your investments in the rape of America's middle class.

You are benefiting from those Goddamn vermin invading America and they are taking things from poor people  who are Americans and none of you give a shit about this.

So if you are rich, get your Goddamn hands off of the deals and you go to a store and buy new and stop picking the meat off the corpse.

For the rest of you, for what is coming, it would behoove you to start getting back up appliances. I doubt most of you could hook up a water heater or anything else, but the point is most of you have some kind of storage space. You probably will need a replacement stove, microwave, generator, water heater, some kind of furniture, or the kinds of things you find for give away on Craigslist. Yes use your Darwin head in you do not go into shithole neighborhoods or places you are going to get robbed or people who look shady. 

TL and I have picked up bay windows and doors which were give aways. Picked up the same stove hood sitting on someones lawn with a free sign.

You know what you need. I'm not saying that an electric stove is worth shit without power nor is natural gas without natural gas. What I'm stating is that there should be eventually a continuity of local power generations for electric eventually. I'm saying with those of you who survive with AC, that maybe like George Washington you should have a summer kitchen to cook in, like your garage where you could have a stove set up to cook on and put the monster heat out there. Understand that propane and natural gas are not the same. Stoves need to be regulated for each or you get smoke.

If you can find even junked campers or apartment sized appliances, those would help too. Numbers of them run on 120 AC and not 240 AC which means a generator plug in easier than trying to match the high voltage plug ins.

For God sake, or your sake BUCKETS, yes some metal buckets to haul water, a barrel to put clothes in and a paddle to do your laundry is another thing. Put a drain hole in it with a hose so you can drain the water and not sprain your back as water is heavy.

Lots of things are give away in your localities so start figuring out what you can use and what you can make and get prepared because most of the stuff in stores is no longer made in America. War comes or blockades or the power goes down, and you will not be able to buy things.

Just remember, a replacement is good, but two is better. Yet it takes space and I have no space, but I'm doing the appliance, propane tank and moving toward a way to survive with flickering power for months, until the local system figures out that the federal and state are not going to provide any relief, but mandates to make your criminals, that you have to solve your problems first and then your local people in the emergency management groups will be assisted in organizing so you get water in the tap and the electric on. Those will be the mandatory  needs first, and do not forget a bicycle in case you do not want to walk 10 miles to find out how to get things moving in your communities.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
