Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What I learned in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I went to school with four guys. Two were community pillars, one had a father even my old man trusted and one was a neighbor.

I purchased a tractor from a pair of cousins as their uncle and old man "had it running last year".

In this, the tire and rim were shot. It took the best tractor mechanic on the planet to get the thing running and it still has regulator and brake issues, where I have to take the battery cable off the battery.

I purchased a tractor from the son of a man I trusted and  mower. The mower is a piece of shit. The tractor I discovered jumps out of road gear, it took me and the tractor whisperer to get it running, and it still seems a bit off.

I needed a tire for that original purchase. They put it on, the run was wobbling. The tire is larger than the original, but my friend said it would not matter.

Now I trusted these kids because I grew up with them, everyone of them was from a good family, most were Catholics who walked on water, and they taught me one absolute thing, they are all Goddamn cheats.

I will NEVER screw people over because you get a reputation that follows you as one pissed off person tells everyone what a son of a bitch you are. I just was talking to JYG the other day and he said he was missing some hydraulic hoses and then mentioned a Jim was there carrying out a bucket..........yeah Jim has that reputation and it follows him and it will be a problem in payback as payback keeps coming.

So the lesson of 2021 AD in the year of our Lord is I can not trust people that I thought I could trust. These were good times and not people's lives are on the line. In knowing that what the hell do you think these tools of satan are going to do when they are selling people out for jars of jam?

Your lesson in this is, you are going to be betrayed worse than Jesus in what is ahead, and it is going to come from your own darling family and your friends. People you thought you could trust are going to be turning you in to save themselves or just because they are bastards and will do that just to fuck someone over that day.

I know you are not going to learn it, nor take heed. You are going to keep all this shit around and  then look dumbfounded when people who are fucking you around now are going to be holding the rope to hang you.

The worst of this has not started. You had better pay attention, as I can fix the problems I have, but the people are not going to be fixed, because they robbed me, a poor person and the God requires the life of those who do that. I will enjoy these bastards bones on their lawns, and after my education today, I look forward to my Prophecy of seeing their white skulls on the lawns, and riding by on a horse and using them for target practice as there will not be any law in those years, no more than law does any good now, just like the Bible is worthless now in guiding people I trusted.

Nuff Said

