Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Vernünftig.....Sensible Nazi

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do not hate me because I am Nazi. I am modern and not of another age before being woke, another time before Americans were hunted down for being Americans, and before the homosexual were legalized and rainbow flags flew across the world from US embassies.

We are Nazi, sensible now. We do not round up people for the holocaust. All that is legalized now and humane. Planned Parenthood is in your communities for profit. There are no need for concentration camps. Slave labor pours in over the border of nations freely. Dr. Anthony Fauci lines billions up for the vax. There is no need for zyklon gas.

We are the beautiful Nazi. We come in peace and you know you want to be with us and like us. We are not the regime doing things to you which have been branded crimes against humanity. We are not the Nazi of the past. Others have taken up our programs to global enlightenment as the world is now National Socialism, but we are now the sensible Nazi in we no longer do those thing history has condemned.

We are the sensible Nazi. We are at comicon.  We are in Asia. We are the saviors of the world as Frank Roosevelt's choice in Harry Truman took the Reich's bribes of uranium, gold and our science and built the world to a better way, while lying to you that Adolf Hitler dies. Der Fuehrer and Mrs. Hitler lived like Martin Bormann and thousands of other Nazi's in comfort and power from the United States, to South America to England to Russia. We were sensible and gave you all of your advancements in life.

Now unfortunately, the modern regimes give you ugliness and mass death. The sensible Nazi does not accept ugly as we are only a pretty ideology with pretty people.

We are the sensible Nazi and you can tell us by our true left handed salute, as we have left that right handed salute to others as they lead you to things which they said were crimes against humanity when we engaged in those programs, which are now national policies across the globe.

Nuff Said
