Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Reversals in an Ass Backward World


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reversals of David John Oates are repeats in confirmation that Joe Biden is losing grip, and Anthony Fauci is having fun killing people, including children.

There is something which the Lame Cherry though finds troubling. The Australian PM who says he is a Christian, often quotes masonic satanism in reversals, and is a real insider beyond Fauci in he speaks of scabs and sores with this vax. That is a higher tier connection.

This fraud though says things, and after meeting with Joe Biden over the recent American, British and Australian security pact, the PM stated that he is going to break the alliance soon and that it is all a lie. He says that this alliance is being damned by the Indians and other Asians.

This blog has maintained that England was behind the election fraud in America. It has been overthrowing America, and has removed itself from Europe with the expressed purpose of a war there between Russia and the Germans with the French, leaving England untouched in control over the scorched earth.

Australia has always been an MI6 and CIA tool. With the PM stating he is going to break an alliance with America, which will cripple the United States in the Pacific and that alliance is all a lie, that indicates that Australia is in the process for London, leading America into some kind of 21st century Pearl Harbor, where Australia will change sides and join, China. Imagine this betrayal in Dictator Biden has just given Australia nuclear Los Angeles class submarines, and manufacturing, which will be turned on the United States, bringing nuclear warfare to the American west coast. This could be any kind of treachery in handing over the Los Angeles fleet to the Chinese who will then pilot them to wage war on America.

The reversals are certain. They state that America is about to be set up by Australia. This will finish off the United States at sea as Biden finished off the United States in Asia over Afghanistan.

Dictator Joe Biden

Thank that fella down under - America and then I'd lock that

Fauci the Vaxer

Data on all the mix and match combination - Little pucker

The FDA the gold standard - Zing your fun 

When you get to children - We shit now

The FDA will look at the Pfizer data - Some of their dead

General Milley

The Taliban has never renounced an affiliation with al Qaeda - Sex I need you

The war on Afghanistan with the Taliban in power - They know you

Issues in the media to members of the committee - The demons they shit

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Those vaccines are being delivered - The new kiss the faggot

Vaccines important outcomes - The dark hope guard it's mark

Those who want to leave Afghanistan - The lucifer bible on you

Very quiet day - Be a rave Ozzie

Bringing together partners - But I break it soon

We are allies - See the lie you brought

We facilitate the commercial flights to bring Australians home -  I'll blow you

The AUKUS arrangement - And they damn you all

Talking to the banking - And blow with that debt

Nuff Said
