Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Vax Psychopathy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the above we have beloved mum, three name, Kim Beasley Jarvis, and she is textbook in her example of the Pied Piper tooting her flute so as to get you dancing to the guilt tune as she lures you over the vax cliff.

It is not often that you have a forensic psychological post as to why people really get vaxed. My cousins were vaxed and one told me it was for her career..........she is like 64 and should retire so that is a lie as the reality was she was welcoming vax sucicide, a story broken here.

The other made the claim it was for her children. Yes and so she could go stand in a shopping mall really.

When you realize that people want you to die, so they can end their miserable lives in suicide or stand in a shopping mall, that does not sound a great deal like love, as it is not.

KBJ though admits her tantrum on life really has to do with going out dancing and to not clutter up hospital beds if sex. Yes beds for sick people are cluttering them up in this new Vax Hatred of humans. It is though the reality that these vax lepers view humans as clutter and they want a little piece of the wonder of the world before WHERE THEY SPENT EVERY MOMENT RUNNING FROM THEMSELVES AND GOD IN DOING  THINGS TO FILL UP THE TIME.

So the short of this is, the vax psychothy hates you because you being unvaxed and living your life, are forcing them to sit home and face the person they will have to face at Jesus White Throne Judgment.

KBJ extolled all to trust their doctor. She did just that and after attacking the ReVaxNiks died in her sleep from the vax. Her daughter who loves her, posted that online in her mother's passing without the admission that the vax is what terminated her.

Mockers Of Anti-Vaxxers Continue To Die
After Taking A Covid Kill Shots

This Scandal Of Biblical Proportions Is
The Final Solution Of The Illuminati

Another three namer Karen Croake Heisler, 67 years old, Notre Dame professor damned all the ReVaxNiks, and after Anthony Fauci's Pfizer booster that Dictator Biden at the UN swore to inject however many million 3rd worlders for the Pater Pope, is now mRNA dead after 12 days from that gene therapy mutation.

Yes KCH declared that you have no rights if you are not vaxed nor in a face pampers, and you are all mandated to be locked in your homes until you come to your senses as you have no rights or freedoms to endanger others. KCH never explains why her rights to be a prion spreader harming others is a right and she is not selfish in doing her thing, but after a 3rd Pfizer mRNA on September 7th she developed cardiac problems and was soon dead, 
Her last bitch tweet was telling everyone to get the vax because the hospitals were full. The Vatican professor never connected that the reason the hospitals are full is due to.........being vaxed.

Odd in how hospitals always list everyone from gunshots as Covid deaths, but in KCH's case she died from cancer complications........yes cardiac problems is cancer related problems from vax bloodclots.

So two Pied Vaxers pissed off at the world forcing them to stay home and face who they are, are now facing Jesus literally, and will be answering why they damned others and why their idol of their lives was more important than the Constitution which God Inspired to protect people's liberty from a global organized emotional, psychological and spiritual rape, which in these two is the forensic psychology of what is driving all these vaxed, who are dead and who are dying from the phobia of being home alone with themselves.

Nuff Said
