Tuesday, October 5, 2021

A Vax Treatment Protocol


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog continues to attempt to save even the vaxed and presents some homeopathic realities which have substance, as even the FDA swept in and shut down a treatment in Michigan which was administering IV doses of Vitamin C, which is a recommended treatment.

I would suggest watching and downloading this video to gain a semblance of understanding to these vaxes, as while this doctor says that the Chinavax is not causing these problems, the reality is the Chinavax is manifesting conditions that look like monkey pox.

What we know of this in the west is there is graphene in these vaxes. This doctor shows how red blood cells are being corrupted, they then clump and form chains. White blood cells are destroyed in what she says looks like radiation or other toxic poisoning.

This Lame Cherry has told you exclusively of this link in chemo for cancer was a test ground in shutting down immune systems to see what would grow. It is not a treatment as it kills. What the vax does is destroy white blood cells too. It focuses first on over triggering the antigens which attack and then neutralizes the antigens which clean up the rot. Without that in the body, the result is septic toxins and that kills.

The doctor is Germanic so is hard to understand. She does mention though things which she thinks work in treatment of the vaxed. This is not a cure, but remember that ass sexer Magic Johnson took ozone to cure himself of HIV. Ozone is high oxygen and that is what turned the corner on Boris Johnson of England and Donald Trump in oxygen enhancement. This is not a cure, but it does help.

Dr Who Has Been Analyzing Blood For 30 Yrs
Shocked By Viewing Vaxed Blood - Start 4:00

Personally, I do not believe there is a cure for this prion or this hydra which is being injected. If they were cures, then mad cow and chronic wasting would have been cured by these methods. The best in this is to inhibit, but we have no data if inhibiting produces other problems as immune disorders and the removal of cancer repression cells are causing medical and morgue problems in people six months into this vax.

Not being a certified physician, I would conclude that ozone therapy would be the best treatment and not a cure. In conjunction with high doses of Vitamins C and D with appropriate zinc and selenium would perhaps produce a quality of life.

Until I have other evidence, I believe what I stated from the beginning in this. This vax only kills target genus groups which the 1% desires culled. For others the vax is a platform to evolve a human into a synthetic form. We have no idea if delays in using treatments accomplish anything, except cause a lethal problem which could only be stopped by other 'treatments' to punt the ball forward in time when these people no longer have anything genetically in common with homosapiens of 2019 AD in the year of our Lord.

The doctor recommended IV doses in medical care of 10 to 40 thousand units of Vitamin C, Ozone, and high amounts of Vitamin D as Clif High stated that bodies with high doses of D did not get the virus.

As someone who takes daily doses of D, I contracted or I was hosed down to contract numerous versions of this bioweapon by my keepers. In my case, the cases were all severe, but in this, the vax kills those who have had the immunity strain and recovered. I have witnessed the effects on people I knew who took this vax and had recovered from the bio weapon virus. In that, my conclusion is that while I have contracted the prion twice, which knocked the hell out of me, it did not stick, but it took 2 weeks to deal with it, and in utilizing the treatment God did give me. I'm on the good side again in coming out of my second exposure which began at the end of August. So 4 weeks of the phases of this. My immune system though having dealt with the bioweapon, does overcome this synthetic prion. I'm convinced any vax would kill me due to the structures in this vax which are meant to build a prion platform for these other elements to feed upon.

The doctor also mentions other things I do not understand in the language barrier, but she did mention aspirin too as part of this treatment. Just remember this is not a cure. This vax was designed by geniuses with demon technology. It was not designed to be defeated. It was designed to thwart God's plan of salvation which the immortals are engaged in, as they genocide the Spiritual peoples God bred in His genetics program.

As I close this out on treatments, I will share what  I have concluded is in this vax.

  • Graphene to form a base structure to build the syn form on
  • Metal lances to cut tissues to better incorporate the vax contents into the human
  • Nano bots to build the platform.
  • Synthetic prions to invade cells to form the base food supply for the construction
  • Morgellon fibers to construct the syn form human
  • RFID tracking chips to mark the vaxed
  • Uracil, a base amino acid which is the yeast to make this dough work
  • Hydras an indestructible life form to pattern the syn form after
There is more to this vax than this. This is the published data on it as of this time in what is manifesting and what is being allowed to be discovered.The chimera of the bioweapon has provided the herding to stampede humans to have this organism which in part is a creature, as it does respond in reaching out in the hydra to living tissue, to be introduced into humans to transform them into a slave immortal.

The information being allowed to come out, simply means that the project is complete and time or assets are not going to be wasted on the ReVaxNiks as they will only be a diversion. The 1% does not desire human wills who do not cooperate. They conditioned people with radio waves for generations in compliance and they ran for the vax in giving themselves over to this possession. For this advent to be taking place, means that the next phase is already in process, and the ghoul Anthony Fauci has not been informed as that tool served the purpose like a tampon and is now going to douche heaven.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
