Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Sweet 16 Vax


It's my Sweet Vaxteen..........I get my driver's test tomorrow.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will admit that I was a protegy infant in being advanced compared to other babies out of the womb, but in observing the vax babies which survived vax aborticide, it is evident that this gene therapy of the vax, has turned humans into cancers.

I need you to understand the meaning of cancer. Cancer cells are rapid developing cells out of the norm. They become deadly when so many of them are active that they consume the energy structure of the body and it dies.

I have told you that modern cancers were bio experiments for fast cell generation or a way to accelerate human anatomy. It was vile and evil, but hat is what satan is, vile, evil and murderous.

These vax babies are remarkable as they are generating maturity faster. This is possible in all species, for example, the reason southern Belles were always ravaged children, was due to in the South, children matured faster than in cold sunless northern climates. You could get by puberty an almost years maturity on children in warmer climates.

What is interesting in the vax babies is the genetic maturity. A human baby at 9 months is soft tissue. If you starve it by being vegan and other stupid things like being a dope head, the body does not mature or is retarded due to lack of nutrient intake.

These babies in the link are born at 9 months with 12 month maturity. By a year out of the womb, they are acting like 2 year olds. Children have growth bursts for 18 years, and from my studies of the giants of the brier patch, I have seen some impressive genetic growth in the 20 to 30 year old who kept growing. These creatures should start dying earlier as they are huge by human standards.

One can project maturation rates. If a baby in the womb is gaining a week for every month in the womb, that is a gestation of not 36 weeks but 45 weeks or a 4 to 5 ratio of gain.  As reports have already appeared of babies having their shed vax periods, which is another paradigm shift in this, the reality is that an age 12 puberty for normal White children compared to the Negroid at age 10 at times, projects out that these vax babies will reach puberty at age 9 plus 3 months in Whites, while the Negroid will come of breeding age at the age of 8.

Understand that breeding age is not maturation age, meaning no 12 year old girl has the womb space of a 20 year old female, and as the footage of these vax babies shows, women are not popping out 35 pound babies at birth and these children are not growing, they are simply fast cell maturing. So there is real danger in having 45 pound little girls and boys coming into breeding age, as their parts may fit, but the baby that comes out is still going to be full sized which adult females have some problems shooting through the hoop.

The Spanish known for their sexuality may in these hybrids known as Mexicans, may come of breeding age even sooner than the Negroid. Asians tend to be later maturation, but again, they are waif size as adults, and all of this is not something any species should be advanced to because it would be breeding death.

In this, for the past several centuries, due to nutrition, comfort and security, people have evolved larger. They have matured and lived longer. As we have evidence of the fast maturation of the vax baby, we do not know if the projections in this will evolve further, meaning will a 9 year old child being mature to have offspring,  be "old" in another generation as the birth cycle will shorten to children as young as 5 being capable of having children. With babies shed upon having periods, will babies out of the womb need tampons in girls and have erections as boys. That kind of maturation in nature, usually leads to shortened life spans and terminal conditions associated with freak reproductive maturity.

These are the questions which require answers as the 1% has them in their genetic testing as this vax would not be released unless it had been tested on primates decades ago. The 1% will not share, but it is evident that they knew children would by hyper matured, and as Anthony Fauci is fixated on pedo vaxing, it would be a conclusion that Anthony Fauci desires babies with periods, as that is the result of the synthetic prion shed upon infants.

Without modern OBGYN's these creatures which are being created are not capable of surviving in carrying normal size babies as they will not come out of pelvis regions not large enough to produce the content. So in that, nature will in the worst and horrid ends, eliminate mutants which are outside of the Darwin norms.

This is such a klusterfuck of genetic disaster that there really will not be enough resources to time to focus on all of the terminal situations of this vax from the cancers, the heart damage, brain rot and who knows but the 1% know what is included in the side effects of this children maturing like their life spans were in dog years.

For children, this really must be dealt with as they were our future, and in that, if children are aging at an accelerated rate, then it would reason that adults would have their live spans shortened not just from disease by aging processes of a decade in these projected numbers.

Nuff Said
