Tuesday, October 5, 2021

We are all the Vax Frogs of Quebec

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is no more accurate accounts of the vax causing COVID altering society and the lies behind it than personal stories across the country.

I have three to share from these past days.

Fort Hood in Texas had a 6 AM assembly the other day. The thought was it was forced vaxes of the Soldiers, again nothing in the news, so no one knows what is the situation as the news is all bullshit propaganda.

This gem comes from a relative of mine in Montana which is having a pandemic spike. That is not the case, and when there are these spikes happening, just remember when vaxed Covid lepers are being shipped into Montana for cash, then they are appearing in every other venue too.

As there is not a real test for Covid, who the hell knows what these people even have. They could all be cancer patients and mislabeled.

One hospital in Billings now is full ICU and floors w 150 “COVID” patients

But a nurse from this hospital told me last week that they are accepting all kinds of sick covid patients from OUT OF STATE
LIKE FROM New York, AZ, etc – so over ½ of them are out of state – yet the news wants us to believe that MT has a big outbreak…

This was shared by Stephanie and is a real situation what is taking place in Trudeaus's French homeland in Quebec.

Pay particular attention to when Quebec is going to pay the promised bonuses to their nursing staffs.

I acquired good first hand information you would like to hear about Quebec. Apparently, they are sacking every nurse that has not been vaxed on October 15, public as well as private (there is no such thing as fully private up there, everything medical is subject to the government in some regards). Despite their claim that 90 something percent of people are vaxed, they are panicking, because the medical staff is already in shortage and now they will cut it even more in two weeks. Most of the nurses are moving to Ontario where they have better working conditions and salaries, or retiring. The government has been promising some kind of plan since the sacking announcement to help matters, so all working nurses have been waiting for it. My mother said my aunt, who is working part-time in an old people needing care establishment, was cheering in advance for salary increases. And then the news came about what their brilliant idea was. If any retired nurse was to come back to work full-time on any shift they were needed, or a part-time nurse would go full-time under the same condition, they would get a $15,000 bonus. That is, $5000 now and $10,000 in 2023, after two completed years of full-time work.


Needless to say, everyone was dismayed. What they are basically asking is that 65+ old women go back to work full time, mostly in night shifts. Most of those women worked part-time all their lives in the first place, so the idea that they would go full-time when old is ridiculous, and much less work night shifts. They are completely disregarding the fact that nursing is the job that most mothers are going in to be able to get a small salary in while still taking care of their families. This will bring back exactly no one. My mother even received a call back to duty, even though she’s being treated for cancer at that very same hospital. Great files keeping guys! What’s worse is not only do part-time nurses get nothing, they can even lose their job if one (insane) retired nurse decides she’s coming back full-time. So my Aunt went from cheering to being scared for her position. Great plan Quebec!


On October 15 the province’s healthcare will fall apart .

The reason the 2023 date is of interest to me is that is when the 18 month window on this vax, and when I inquired was the date that noticeable numbers of people will be dying. I find this particularly macabre in Trudeau is luring out old women, so Canada will not have to pay them retirement, and then in vaxing them, is going to work the last sparks of life out of these old women, before they die.......and you know Ottawa or Montreal is not going to pay bonuses to dead people or the survivors.

There are always hints in these choice bits of information of the time lines. The military is culling all the White Protestants so the wokesters will be there to check point charlie all the ReVaxNiks when the time of Oz comes. Likewise there are not any Covid outbreaks from a virus. What is taking place is the vaxed are getting sick, and these healthcare cooperatives are shipping people around to produce an illusion of outbreaks. Understand that this hog trough hospital system is petty fiefdoms and it does not make a damned bit of difference where a person is bilked of money, because it fills the same bank accounts. Remdesiivr and Ivomec all are from the same pharm, they get their money and the hospitals share kickbacks and transfers.

To have a confirmation date of 2023 AD in the year of our Lord from Canada is gold. I think back to Francis Parkman in the founding of Canada by the French in the Old Regime and in their defeat the Dominion displaced this under English rule. The French have been an Evangeline problem looking for a solution for sometime. 2021 AD in the year of our Lord appears to be the final solution for the Quebecois as one of their own rules from Ottawa. The medical community is being forced out, French women are fleeing to Ontario which is less deadly. Quebec in the French are destined to be the Black Hole of Canada. Is bizarre in the Jesuits rule there, in how they agreed to the killing off of the French for the British to have a nice plot of land to annex. The Queen is just repeating what Longshanks and Liz 1 did in Ireland and Scotland. Lord God those Ephramite butchers wiped out those peoples, and the French in Canada are being culled, after their brief stint of home rule.

There is a warning in this for all. Just because you do not see Australia happening in your city, does not mean that it is not. It is just not being reported. Fort Hood mustering, would not be an alone event. Your hospitals overflowing with patients as in Florida are people being shipped in like cattle.If you think you are safe where you are in isolation., like Quebec, they will hit your population in ways to cull you in creating refugees.

As TL informed me, all of these free states like Texas, Florida and South Dakota, they have ReVaxNiks pouring into them.......yeah they are becoming state gulags and not one of you know the traitors DeSantis, Noem and Abbott are as they preach America first and all of these invaders keep being allowed poured into those states to break them.

Liberals in Quebec think they are loved by the regime because they are liberals. No liberals are just as quickly expendable as Conservatives.

The 1% is gifted. They distract you with Oz crackdowns, while the same devices are not reported and in use in swathes of America, England and Canada. You wait for Oz and Oz is already manifesting. You think you do not have it so bad, well you have it that bad, but have not realized it.
