Saturday, October 9, 2021

A Vaxicide Conversation in the Check out Line


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following conversation took place in a grocery check out. I could not hear it all, but TL was standing next to them and the content was interesting in who these people are.

See the brier on the border. We live though next to a state which is dripping communist sodomites. The thing is that as the maps show, you have the metro rosey bungholers, but in the outlands you have normal people who are as Conservative as normal people.

TL and I discuss people from across the country often enough in how they all have their quirks. Ohio has people who are pure rednecks and then you have the ones in suits who think they are not rednecks. Nebraska people are just stupid, while people in Omaha like to think stupid thoughtful thoughts.

Out next state over is filled with pontificators.  They have ideas on everything and expect people from around the world care what they hand down judgments on. They are quite rabid in being either liberal or conservative. The liberals wear masks in their cars and the conservatives refuse to obey the laws the metro orders out constantly. So in the conversation below, I know the one guy worked for the Department of Natural Resources as I was listening to him talk about shit before. The woman I have seen, and is typical of the females of the outlands, quiet, reserved and not wanting to offend anyone with their opinions, as deciding on things would be a sin in public.

DNR Guy: So did you get your vax?

Outlander woman: No, there is allot going on with that.

DNR Guy: They would have to get my at gun point.

Outlander woman: I heard that allot were dying from the virus but I don't know the vax.

DNR Guy: I'm pretty sure I already had it.

Just so you know, rural people, talk like this to their neighbors. A neighbor is anyone you have seen their wash on the line, went to Church or think you know and is not a prick. They are open about lots of things..........and when the guy figured out TL was listening to them, he went silent.
Yes same shit as in Ireland and Scotland. The locals never know a damn thing and are always on guard. Remember in this, that this is a college trained melon head. They are in a civilized state, and there is massive resistance in this along with ignorance, as the woman is relying on FOX for her information, but she is still leery of these Fauci potions and they will never trust the regime or any officials.

That is what is lost in this. That is why the 1% had the dead vax lepers saying TRUST YOUR DOCTOR. Trusting your doctors is about as stupid as trusting a retard with a grenade that the pin is pulled on. We have two hospitals in the area. The one is where you go to die. The other is the one you go to if you want to live. I will admit our hospital is the deadly one. They have lots of imported doctors. The one across the border is run by locals, who hire local kids who know the area. Yes when TL was ill, we went to the one that you got cured at.
Put it this way, when I check the obits, the morgue hospital is the one always listed in people dying. You never read of the other hospital in people dying there.

So there an ingrained nature in people to not trust anyone in rural areas. Educate them, and they still will never buy into the system........granted you can have sisters like I have, who think they can discern the moon in what people will do, as they would believe anything someone in power tells them and get it half assed wrong, but the fact is the censoring of information has not worked. Even FOX viewers are picking up enough information to not be vaxed and the educated are online reading content that is informing them to act like they always do in stupid and to run away.

I have great use of the outlanders. They will be the ones who absorb the bullets from the vax state. Arrogant know it alls are good for that as it helps give me a warning in which way the wind is blowing, as I'm giving ground, and finding a dozen ways to disappear. Yes we have our caches were we do not live and are putting the finishing touches on things. People with money are the ones who stay around to protect their luxury.. People like us, we are finding ways to elude the knocks on the door.

This is a threat like hunting season to deer. Your Generals discuss who is expendable and what advantage there is in every division broken down. I know where the threats will come from. I know where the bullet absorbers are and the first indications I have of this taking place, I'm done with the city, done with main roads and done with sleeping in the bed we always sleep in.

Even the vax lepers are hearing this stuff, and are on edge, they are pissed off. They won't confess nor talk, so I steer clear of all of these conversations. People though know the effects of this. I was checking the obits and a local guy dropped dead unexpectedly at home.....yeah the vax clotted him up for a quick toe tag.

Too bad Diedrich Bader is a leper. I liked him.

 Like Willie Garson too but he was such a vax asshole.

Keep taking that vax, may the clots be with you, the brain rot and the gift which keeps giving in this vax shuts down the cancer repression genes, so there is nothing to stop them, and cancer now looks like super cancers.

Jews always say NEVER AGAIN, and yet either Auschwitz never taught them a thing, or Jews have a DNA strand which has then lining up for poisons being handed out for free. The Zyklon holocaust and then the Vax Holocaust, Jews galore 80 years apart repeating the same psychology to their end.

This time without the orange marmalade as Fauci is a better salesman than Himmler.

Nuff Said.