Saturday, October 9, 2021

Something Devilishly Wrong

I'm only going to finish the job now of exterminating by the Inquisition
all the Russian orthodox heretics starting with you Vladimir.
But first........there are the Protestants of America and Germany to burn at the 
FEMA stakes.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you recall the mummified Nancy Pelosi was on her way out of the cesspool of the US Congress in 2022, but has now emerged as the hand that rocks the cradle for 2022 AD in the year of our Lord and 2024 AD in the year of our her words.

She is now in Rome with the false prophet, kissing the ring in Jesuits dividing up the Christian world in eliminating Protestants.

The protector of Europe though who kissed the Pater Pope's ring, has just resigned in a second coup against him, and this appears to be the one which will have him living at the Adolf Hitler Grey Bar Hotel.

6 hours ago ... Chancellor has been embroiled in a corruption scandal. ... Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz resigned Saturday evening after becoming embroiled ...

3 hours ago ... Pope Francis on Saturday met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in a private audience at the Vatican, amid ongoing criticism of ...

The power has shifted immensely in the world in these two stories as Pelosi is signaling the Jesuit hand behind this vax. For Vladimir Putin, his closest ally in Europe in Sebastian Kurz is kaput.  Misunderstandings about bribes or not, Sebastian Kurz does not have the time to mount a political comeback in this necessary hour.

To the point, with Frau Cow Merkel on the way out, this is the Germans who have risen to center stage in this. The French are in chaos as usual, England is exterminating her own people with the vax for the Gunga Din, and the power struggle of London in removing America from this fray, will reveal Australia soon to betray America over China in a most inappropriate moment, and with America bent over in the Pacific Rim as China is stupidly taking the water ride bait, that means that the German Russian front will be at center stage again, all without Sebastian Kurz's good offices.

Biden is expected to meet with Pope Francis for the first time later this month.

The kiss of death is on the United States Protestants, because the Pater Pope is not offering last rights.

The Pater put Merkel into power. He put Kurz into power. His grasp is on Pelosi and Biden, and the United States through the Jesuit network. The left leggers of London and the right leggers of Rome are pitted against each other again, with the world in the struggle of the immortals to be. The Pater Pope has already chosen who will be the devil's own out of Germany in this. Rome has chosen the sword of the greatest power, not the most adept leader in Kurz.

Those behind this are going to move on this at warp speed. This is an insiders game. It was Clinton's Jews who set up Kurz last time, and what took place with the novice Kurz in the bribes was not something he dreamed up, but was something whispered in this socialist's ear. Austria now becomes the footstool of Germany. The Pater has laid his pedo hands on this and now the dice is cast.
