Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Biden Bridge is Falling Down


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog projected due to Dictator Biden's actions, certain realities are setting in.

The first is when the Dictator shut off oil production in America, like Obama, energy prices began spiking. When energy prices spike, inflation begins rising dramatically across the consumer boards.

The second is the Dictators mandate on vaxes, in firing people and forcing the military and government workers to comply.

While there is bragging that 90% of the Navy is vaxed, that means that 10% are unvaxed and numbers of them were fighter pilots. The Biden SecDef hunting down of White Americans in removing them from the military, along with the Blacks refusing the vax, has created an Oreo free military, with only the tan colour permeating this lesbian woke group of leftists.

This blog does projections well, and accurately. The Lame Cherry is the most productive and best blog there ever will be. So here is a reality projection. The Constitution provides for two basic elements for a government of limited power.

The first is in Congress raising money to spend to bribe the population. The second is for the Executive to command a military force. Both of the above are construed to government for the 3rd leg of this, in providing security for jobs, which in turn provide Congress money, and Congress in turn spends this on security in the military and or police state.

Biden Bridge is falling down. The Dictators war on oil and war on the ReVaxNiks, has stifled job creation. Allowing the invasion of millions of 3rd world vermin, now has the reality of no jobs, but the expense of keeping these rapists fed and housed, so they do not turn into a domestic 5th column raiding group, stealing and murdering to obtain what the Dictator promised them.

Dictator Biden and Lloyd Austin SecDef have crippled the United States military as the vaxed are degrading daily to be able to fight and the ReVaxNiks are leaving and are the cream of the fighting strength.

Degrade any military by 1/4 and it will not respond to winning wars. That is the reality of 2.1 million soldiers, and hundreds of thousands refusing the vax. Take out the ReVaxNiks and what is left are the fat woke pedophile liberals, who are incapable as General Milley in accomplishing a mission.

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near

My son is a USMC Reservist and he’s not going to get the vaccine. They are giving him until December to “decide”, but he’s already told them he will not get it. They’re going to subject him to “counseling”, which will consist of someone of superior rank, with a medical MOS, trying to talk him into getting it. It won’t work for my son, but there may be others who will give in because anyone who refuses to get the vaccine faces an “other than honorable discharge”. I told my son that it’s a shame that we’ve gotten to the point where getting a less than honorable discharge is actually the honorable thing to do. He, like many others, has faithfully served his country and the Corps and he/they deserve better. At some point people in the military, law enforcement, and other public services and positions of authority are going to have to decide whether they’re going to follow orders or defend the Constitution. There’s no longer any middle ground or reasoning with the leftists/ globalists. They have to be defeated as they and a free United States of America cannot coexist.

I found the above parent's comment on the Populist site and the reality is, if Trump is the savior of 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, that the Trumpophiles simply have to demand from Donald Trump a promise to pardon all the military who do not take the vax, and reinstate them with full pay and benefits, unlike the Jan6ers he fed to the FBI wolves. This would be smart politics as Donald Trump would have a standing 500,000 person military absolutely loyal to him as Commander in Chief.

Biden Bridge is falling down. The economy is failing. Inflation is surging. People are being thrown out of work. 3rd world vermin are a cancer everywhere. The military is in a collapsing state. Add to this, the over 1 million who perished from the vax, and the numbers rise, and the numbers grow of those who are affected by this vax in being debilitated, and the pillars of a society in jobs, taxes and military are in ruination by Dictator Biden's policies. All he has succeeded at is debt spending like Obama.

Even a dictator like Joe Biden needs a semblance of functionality in this global 1% to prevail in their pulling down of the United States. That is the danger in this by the immortals for them, because once you take out the pins holding this shipwreck together, it is going down and you can't put them back in to slow down the societal collapse which has been engineered.

What I personally believe in this, is what the Bible says, satan is a murderer and a liar. These egotistical people of the 1% thought they could gain the knowledge of immortality and control the world, and for some reason thought they could outwit satan, who is a subtle in one mission in undoing God's Plan of salvation to make humans His, or to put into the place of honor that satan held as Lucifer. The body of satan in this are the unsaved, and it is logical in satan's insanity to desire to be surrounded by those who rejected God like it, in eternal torment. satan's operation knows it can not win in beating God, so it also knows that these immortal 1% are doomed too, but as this is part of the strategy, satan destroy's it's own who have deluded themselves that they can be gods.

Biden bridge is falling down. That is by design and is the first structure which pulls all else down in this Faustian contract. When this Lame Cherry informed all of you that what Donald Trump was engaged in, in 2017 would negate MAGA as those polices were not MAGA generating. You did not like it, and I was proven right again. This time the fact is, there can be nothing positive which comes out of Dictator Biden's mandates, because they degrade and destroy the pillars of what makes a nation exist in jobs, taxes and security.

Most of you will remember the Twin Towers when they were pulled on 9 11. That is what is taking place in the first stages of this implosion, an the gravity of it will soon overtake, and velocity of events will increase the destruction as all is connected to this, except Jesus the Christ.

This assessment is accurate 100%.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

