Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Vax Me Up Erica Kahn


You know if you geniuses could just make the transporter beam
vaccinations into humans you would put me out of business.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was puzzled by the explanation of Erica Kahn on Rense, to her discounting a Polish geologists, Rick Wiles on True News and Dr. Carrie Mday or whatever her name is to the discovery of a creature which has 3 legs and 1 head, and which turned out to be carbon, aluminum and bromine.

To this Erica Kahn explained this was contaminants. 


Whatever this metal creature is, it does not exist in nature. It is not known to exist in any lab. This thing has never been seen before in the public, so the real question to Erica Kahn which she did not explain was, is just how this contaminant has appeared in two different sources, and in two different vaccine packages.
That is four  different vials, randomly tested and there were 100% results of finding this thing which is not known in nature or labs, and Erica Kahn is defining this as a contaminant.

As these things are in biological labs, whose purpose is vaccines, is biology not metals.

Jeff Rense backed up what Erica Kahn stated in these are contaminated sites. Erica Kahn then slapped down those who have found these creatures.

Erica Kahn is the one who termed this a hydra first. At this point she is now discounting what was termed an "egg" which unpacked itself and then became this creature.

The reality is the human body does not have defense against metals like this. Yes a metal sliver will be isolated and expelled by the body, but that is in the skin. Lead bullets which are shot into the body, are not worked out. They stay, once they are under the skin. This creature has free reign an that is why it is ejected.

To the credit of Mr. Rense and Ms. Kahn, they said you do not want this vax. But calling this information as diversion is what is wrong with all of these preening experts in medical fields who all act like that stage whore Anthony Fauci. They keep looking at this with bias as biological only. They keep looking at future plagues as the problem and say this creature is as diversion. 

There is not going to be a future plague. The plague is the vax. The vax is a platform. It was a genius design of controlled introduction. Erica Kahn wanted this in prisons as that would make sense in a controlled system. That is ignorant as that type of testing has already been engaged in. This would not have been released unless it was biologically tested and unless this vax had not been projected into human DNA, as those free test kits which idiots sent in, were the platform to which the vax was gamed on to project outcomes.

This is as this Lame Cherry has revealed in matter anti matter exclusives, a synthetic transformation of humans to immortal forms, and this technology is from demons. What is puzzling is Jeff Rense has covered a great deal of this information, sans metatron, but his deferring after consulting with Erica Kahn who is I believe only a microbiologist and that is not the end all in chemistry nor biology.

This is a red flag in this in the covering of this story. To define something a contaminant when there is not a real world example of this contaminant, and it appears FOUR TIMES, is beyond the real of probabilities. 
There are billions of vaxes. The odds of 4 vials appearing with the same type of creatures, and creatures this minute, just happen to be the drop that 2 different people found on a slide, is improbable. There have to be then billions of these minute particles in vaxes to be found. That in turn in they were never known before, and are reported to be unpacked from eggs in the vax, is a double jeopardy, in now there is an egg, which unpacks, that is not a particle contaminant as particles do not unpack and become other things.

The question now is why a leader in Jeff Rense is deferring to Erica Kahn whose analysis makes no plausible sense, to pull back from the mechanical side of this and focusing on the biological phase only, neglects the projection of where this synthetic evolution is hijacking humans. The purpose of this vax is to rid humans of their biological nature as they are not sustainable.

This immune suppression is designed to provide a shelter in the human body for this mechanical presence to transform human biology to a sustainable immortal form. This is not a reach, and is understood by Christians in the Tree of Life. This blog has been warning of this false tree of life for over a decade. This is taking place in this phase.

The projections are to explain  reason for the evidences which are being produced in media which the 1% is allowing. The reason URA is Uracil an amino acid and not uranium. The reason blood is now a sludge and the human body is not septic. All has been explained here, because answers are found on evidence produced, as this is not conjecture, but cause and effect.

The 4 flu viruses in this year's flu vaccine were chosen in March 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.The odds are being increased for a "plague" which will damage vaxed humans and will be a shotgun pattern of viral effect to hit the majority of people.

That is not off subject, but is part of this same paradigm. These metals appears like RFID tags to flush from the body periodically, and in order to complete the process of synthetic evolution, there must be an infusion, willingly taken, and in the blood an not breathed nor ingested. The training process is to get the herd to accept being lined up for vaxes, and this is accomplished by injecting the vax, then injecting viruses to spread a season of flu, again to inject more mechanics of evolution into the host.

I have had enough of this in working for non donations. You figure the rest out as I'm tired an cold.

Nuff Said 
