Thursday, October 21, 2021

Buying your way to the Dark


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I can tell you something that you think you already know, but mine is of evidence, like the cowards Americans are, after General Washington was driven out of New York and New Jersey. Americas is summertime soldiers and keyboard patriots.

This Lame Cherry could have lied to your pathetic asses as the Defense Intelligence operation of Qanon but instead told you the Truth about Donald Trump's policies would destroy MAGA. That warning got me nothing in donations as people flocked to that psyops.

When  cowards ran away after the November election theft, it was this blog who rallied you and brought you to the line. As you cowered in the FBI hunting you down, this blog once again kept you out of trouble in telling you to behave. Time and again, I have protected you children and brats, as you pretended you were the stuff Americans were made of.

When the operation was again to Mike Flynn sucker you out in Q Peters and others, once again I pulled you back from the vax edge and told you to give ground and keep giving ground, and here you are today, still out of jail and still alive, pretending you are the apple of God's eye. We know that Jews only hold that title, so you just keep deluding yourselves.

I listen to what Gerald Celente says, as he is an astute American with insights and character. I can not afford the 100 dollars a year for his Trends Journal, and more and more people are not buying, because this is how I know America had ended as Gerald Celente tells people the Truth and the Truth is bad things are going to happen for sometime, and people have stopped investing in the future in America. People are now in being vaxed are thinking they are going to die and in being ReVaxNiks are thinking that hording their money that this will save maybe God will not be up to that job......yes blame God for your lack of Faith.

If not for a few of you, this blog would have ceases this past year. When God told me that I no longer was responsible for your carcasses. that left me free from doing this, but I kept on for the sake of the few. It simply is not worth the risk I take in being exposed but I still warn those who think their first loves are the ones who will save them, when in reality they will pin them down, get them killed and turn them in for marmalade.

Clif High is the new cause celeb as many of these new preeners are in biology. Mr. High was not accurate in his last several predictions with his software. I fully believe he will be wrong in the coming Black End of October he predicted, for the simple reason Bitcoin is still ejaculating Wall Street Cum. Jeffry was astute in his crypto analogies, as has been Clif High, but Mr. High is now in a place of the obvious, in the coin will climb again, for the simple reason, it will be the future, at least the coin linked to the central banks.
China is making coin, so to offset that, the central banks will have to make their own coin to further diminish China. Hence a mass infusion of cash is going to come into the coin before it is nationalized. That scam was explained here months ago.

Gerald Celente can not raise the proper funds, so he has to beg as Jeff Rense begs for him, as Rense needs the sponsor. The point is the 1% has moved the mass population to no longer accept nor serve this system. That degradation will spread in weaning Americans from 911 calls. You won't call when the hospital is killing you and the police are leaving you for dead. Israel to her tents is coming with each man doing what he thought was right.

Barry Chamish years ago wrote of the Shabatai Zvi, a cult which is the underpinning false messiah religion of the 1%. They believe the more people sin, the quicker the messiah appears. The 1% is fully informed of this and as this blog has noted, the greater the apostasy of satan on the planet, the greater them movement toward God's Judgment. Each of you never contemplate that satan desires thePeople Judgment, because that Judgment brings the mass murder which the adversary lusts for.

People will no longer support their lifeline, IR, the donations for what they consume daily which is the only source of information in this misinformed world. Logic would think that people would give everything to save their lives, but in this era they are just worse thieves and are willing to turn popular girls into poor orphan girls and whoring them is is a mission as they relish in their misery in making someone they are jealous of to suffer as they think they do.

You will learn soon enough that in what is ahead, your worst flaws will make you into the worst reprobates as license will spread and abound.

So what should my children do? Prepare and keep preparing. There is going to come a time when you will have nothing to do but trying to deal with each day and you will need something to focus on. So you keep preparing and develop discipline in yourselves. You are going to have to reach down inside of yourselves and will yourselves to keep going. Your internal seasons are going to be affected and your sensibilities to God are going to be deceived.

The only things that keep people going is God, your will and a reason to get to the next day. You have not realized in this changing of seasons and times, that your comfortable reasons for living are going to be violated in order to convert you to spiritual rape. You will have to hang on to your foundations inside, because they no longer will there on the outside.

I wonder how many martyrs are going to be state suicide because they simply will no longer want to continue on in a world which will not condone what they once were.

The Lame Cherry is seeing things in your mirror that you are missing. Your generosity which was there as a misery is gone. You are robbing God, not to save yourselves, but are backing yourself into a fearful corner knowing that you have chosen to die. The 1% knows this. You are your own worst enemy.

I explained in 2017 AD in the year of our Lord that Trump's policies would not create MAGA, but destroy it. You are now being informed that your choices are making projections which will bring your death.  You must start sowing toward life. Jesus taught DISCIPLES not Judas pilfering the pot. You can not survive on the misery and deaths of others more righteous than yourself.

You can not ever go back to the lie and life which you are trying to carry with you. You can only take the Faith through discipline and trusting in God lighting the Way through the growing darkness ahead.

You can not buy your way out of this or God would have told you that. 

Nuff Said.
