Yes we ruined the most enduring franchise in history
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Milky Way Galaxy in which earth resides is something TL and have the opportunity to view while all of you are asleep. The thing is that TL and I remember most is that what we recall from no that long ago, no longer exists.
It does make me question things, because no one says anything, but things are wrong now and not the way they were.
I have noted that stars have appeared closer to the horizon in the North and now in other areas where they did not exist when I was a child. That always puzzled me, and now stars are appearing.
I spent enough time outside as a child to have never seen a shooting star. I remember the first one I ever saw was in the 1990's, as I was checking fence as the cattle were out. It was big, bright and beautiful. The thing is in the past year, I have witnessed more shooting stars than I have in my entire life, and they are big meteors. This past year I was in the kitchen around midnight and I could not figure out what the hell this bright light was in the north, so I ducked my head down by the window and I saw this huge meteor. Meteorites do not last but moments in most cases, but this one lasted for some time and lit up the sky. I saw another just glancing out the window one night to check to make sure no predators were in the yard. That was huge too and that one hit the ground. The other night as I was out at 3 AM, my peripheral vision caught a shooting star directly over head moving north. It was large too.
TL later saw one moving west to east.
There do not seem to be patterns in these objects. They are coming from various angles and parts of the galaxy. I do know they are bigger and coming in more frequent, because those I see, makes me project how many hundreds I'm not seeing.
So we have moved into an active area of space debris. The reality is, we do not move through the same area for millions of years, so this transit is new and unknown. We have a great deal of clutter here and this does come in waves. I was looking at photos of the galaxy and astronomers now conclude we live in a galaxy which looks like ripples on a pond. All things are fluid in this universe.
I need to return though to what is wrong. TL and I both witnessed years ago the band of light of the Milky Way as a warm glow that ran across the sky, from slightly southwest to north. I never was out all night, but the Milky Way we are seeing now moves southwest to northeast, has horrid dark cuts in it, and by morning it is shifting to the northwest from the southwest.
I do not get allot of this shit, as the moon was rising in line with Orion in the east and four nights later it was more in the northeast and moving on that line.
The odd part is, whatever planet is there at night, embedded with two stars to form a perfect triangle is moving slightly to the southwest as it sets around 4 AM. The Pliedes and Orion though move west to east.
Then there is Sagitarius. The tea kettle of the southwest sky, it is not sitting right, it is tipped and not recognizable.
Yes seasons change and the earth tilts, but things are not where I remember, including the Big Dipper and the North Star is overhead now and not in the north.
What is the only explanation I can come up with is, our solar system has shifted angle in the arm of the galaxy we are in while the galaxy is stable in parts, we seem to have entered a warpage of where we are.
This is possible in we are all fluid. We do not act independent of the sun. Our pod is a liquid gravity pool and like a leaf on a bigger pond, our structure may have shifted in the galaxy. The earth does seem to shift on it's axis. There are pressures affecting earth, but we are so large that no one feels the effects, only observes the signs of more volcanic and earthquake activity.
It seems our angular shift on our tilt as we rotate is faster. We are not rotating faster, but the planet is tilting on motion quicker. Oddly a woman I call Tiger Pants at the Thrift who looks like vax hell now mentioned to the teller a few weeks ago, "Did you notice how dark it was getting so early now". I noticed that too in it seem in September we lost an hour of daylight in a few days. This appears the liquid effect of the galactic soup we are pushing through.
When I was in grade school, we were always told the Milky Way was a Spiral Galaxy, not that big and we were clear out on a far arm. That is not the case in the data now published. We are closer to the center and the data always taught us by NASA was that the spiral was flat and we orbited on a flat solar system in that arm. If that is the case, the Milky Way should be moving in a line across the sky, not pivoting on one point as the other end sweeps southwest to northwest.
Things are wrong in the sky. They have been wrong for sometime. It is not earth shattering, but it is affecting the world. It does make one ponder though that great events which divided earth, may not always be like a bullet ripping through flesh, but it may be more like a water balloon in an ocean swell which bounces along, is moved out shape by wave force and then springs back to its natural shape.
It all returns to what this blog stated. We are in an active part of this transit in there are things coming in, and we are moving into areas of things which are like a hail storm and rainstorm. Somewhere in this is Wormwood with it's chicks in a large dust cloud. Those black tears in the Milky Way which were not there are perhaps large bands of galactic dust clouds. Earth has had more near misses of huge objects in the past few years than in a hundred years. The solids are liquids and behave as liquids. This is a fluid motion earth is in and there are waves pressing and affecting earth.
We are colliding with things more often in larger things. Larger things have to be associated with the things we are making contact with. Think of this as a meteor storm as on the other side of this in Christ's Millennium it speaks of a time of peace after the upheaval. For now this is the active zone.
Nuff Said.