Friday, October 22, 2021

If you see a need and do not help it is sin


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The best example I have always found as a popular girl is to set the example and then the other primates with portfolios stop being such tight assholes and they start acting human. So this is an example of who the Lame Cherry is beyond the 486 which I hard drive from.

JYG has children. I in turn stuck my foot into it by asking about them and he told us that his son had died. Always a great conversation to enter into, but he told us the circumstances and I said we were sorry and that was that.

No it was not.

So TL and I have breakfast sometimes in the cemetery as it is the nicest place in the city to be. It is quiet, except for the fat ass frumpers and geezers exercising through. Today we were trying to get out of there when two fat asses and one skinny assed one who looked like she was fossilized in some Amish dress, were in the way on the road. Good part was old George was coming the other way, and he ran them off the road or I should say the two frumpers moved to the side but the skin flint thought she could take her time until she looked behind and saw my bumper. That made her move and I'm of the definite judgment that dead people do not want to see ugly women sweating past them as no one likes that in life.

We were looking for the grave of our old neighbors Leo and Edna, and had a hell of time finding them in it took 3 scouts. In the 3rd time we found JYG's son's grave and I happened to mention to him about his name as it is unique, and I had forgotten where I had seen it, as it is on another tombstone in the city. He then said it must have been his son's gave, but he never could find the thing. So I told TL we were going to find it, and take a photo, as JYG would then know where it was.

He has  stone to put up there, and so we did a scout, and then walked back to the road, found the place where it was and for Brier Patch directions, I told him which tree to look for, as that is how people navigate here.

Now mind you, JYG has never called me a friend. I don't have to be a friend to do something like this, as there was a need and I saw it, and I was not sticking my nose in, and JYG in his way appreciated the effort and will remember that every day as his son is important to him.

I could have just sat on my ass like most people, I could have not been Christian in the least to have empathy for someone in being hell bound self absorbed,  but that is something I have always been mindful of in taking other people's feelings into mind in is there something I could do.
I'm not like my asshole sisters who phone it in. My sister, the one who is not the pope, likes to make shows of things, like visiting geezers. She makes sure she only picks rich ones and ones locked up in a nursing home or ones that I'm doing all the work for, so she does not have to spend money or effort on anything, but she can make sure others know how wonderful she is in talk is cheap.

In doing errands one time for my uncle, I found her and her penis headed husband in the house. What uncle did was his own business and I did not have to monitor who he was being used by as he used people even more as he was smart. So I dropped the mail off and sister was straightened up, and he penis headed husband was glowing red, as they knew they had got caught pulling the shit they always did and we left, as I do not waste time on assholes.

There is doing things for people and then there is doing things expecting something and making sure you never really do anything. God knows the difference and what kind of tight wad heart you have.

So it was not earth shattering what we did for JYG, but it was the proper thing to do, as he had looked for that grave, and now he can find it when he wants to.

It all comes down to if you see a need and do not help, it is a sin, same thing as those who passed by on the side of the road in the beaten man and only the Good Samaritan stopped to help. You know Goddamn sick if you are one of the finaglers as that is how you have played the game all your life. You had better stop it and get your shit together and do things right as every person's clock is running out in this life.

No you are not supposed to bankrupt yourselves for others, but you can stop being self centered assholes and noting when God brings something in your life, that you do it, and let God work out the rewards program and you don't go around like my asshole sister, telling everyone she made a donation to a memorial..........yeah the Church has no record of it, but talk is cheap and that is what satan clones are all about in lying all the time.

I know that this witness is not going to change any of you. Bad people do not change no more than leopard's their spots.  That means the Christian's duty is even more pronounced to just do the right thing in caring about people, doing what needs doing and then just forgetting about it, or you run the risk of expecting people to appreciate things you do and that is an empty purse. A Christian works for God and God gets all thanks if there is any.

JYG is one of the most Christian people I have ever met, and he would tell you he hates Christian music and he says everyone has their own God.  I have watched him being  good to us when he did not know us. I have watched him help people. I have watched him be honest and he puts into practice what is Christian more than people who sit in pews.

He gives allot and deserves people giving back and in what way I can, I do that. This is not about me getting thing out of it, no more than holding the door open for an old gal who appreciated it and touched my arm with her prion hand. I guess my testicles have already swelled up from the prion exposure before, or was that TL's, I can't remember as what is TL's is mine and what is mine is TL's, but you don't stop doing good just because a biological weapon is going to divest all the rich people outside of the 1% of their cash.

That is about all I have to say on that, and I have two more posts to work out, as these things do not write themselves, no more than that donate button clicks on it's own.

Nuff Said

