Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Mengele MERCK Cure for COVID

Ich war doch kein so schlechter Kerl
(I was not such a bad guy after all.)

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was listening to Clif High and some English skirt, sorry ........first name Catherine......second I forget, but in reading that MERCK has released a fantastic treatment for COVID  which is not the virus, and MERCK had an anti viral which was in all these players they had things ready.

Just remember that COVID is NOT the Wuhan spike protein. COVID is AIDS, just as AIDS is not HIV.

The Merck drug is significantly chemically different from the Pfizer drug that's in its final round of studies, which means there's the possibility of creating a cocktail of anti-viral treatments for COVID. Merck has said it can produce 10MM pills by the end of this year, and Dr. Gottlieb said he expects they'll ramp up production quickly by partnering with other companies.

The reason for featuring this is Clif High had gut cancer. He studied all this stuff, including COVID an virus deaths. He found that high quantities of Vitamin D in the blood, like a plus 70 ppm and people did not get sick or die from the virus. People who ate toxic shit did not die in Africa due to high levels of sun Vitamin D in their blood.

Here is the jam in this. Clif High stated that there are inhibitors to the spike protein and that would mean the prion. Vitamin D is one. Ivomec is another. Pfizer's "cure" is repackaged Ivomec with some other shit so they can charge you your testicles and ovaries. You will notice that great pains were taken to tell the public in the New York Times that MERCK's potion is not the same chemical as Pfizer's Ivomec repackaged to gouge the shit out of least the vaxed lepers as the ReVaxNiks get Remdesivir to murder them.

So what is out there that was curing people, which was not Ivomec?


There was that stuff out of grapefruit skins, that stuff mixed with zinc, that stuff in tonic water, that stuff the fucking treacherous British made driniks out of in Gin an Tonic with quinine for malaria. Yes Chloroquine with zinc was the cure.

Odds are MERCK's great anti viral is a hybridized chloroquine.

Here are both Molnupiravir and Chloroquine long chains.

Add Vitamin D for this in analysis.

As you can see, three chemicals, all different and all inhibitors.

Let the Lame Cherry tell you the shit on MERCK's miracle, all from Wikipedia. This wonder drug only worked 50% of the time. That means whatever MERCK came up with is a cocktail or they hid something in this like D3 and Zinc to make it more effective.

The origins of Molnupiravir are from 2014 at Emory University. Yes the drug appeared before the Wuhan Virus. This potion was funded by the Department of Defense, against horse brain swelling. On the eve of Wuhan, this potion was moved to influenza or Corona trials. The DOD  then licensed this potion to Ridgeback Biotherapeuutics in 2020 March, when it then partnered with MERCK to cure the world of COVID.

Read this gem though in the little toxic problem in this 50% MERCK cure.

In May 2020, Rick Bright filed a whistleblower complaint, alleging that the government ignored his early warnings about the COVID-19 pandemic, pressured him to inappropriately fast-track unproven drugs, and illegally retaliated against him by removing him from his role as head of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) in April 2020.[7][8]

Among these complaints, Bright objected to providing new federal funding to Ridgeback Biotherapeutics to further develop EIDD-2801 (Molnupiravir) into a treatment for COVID-19. He argued that although the drug had shown potential against coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2, it had already received substantial government support.[8] Bright was concerned that similar nucleoside analogue drugs had caused birth defect in animal studies, and he wanted to see more safety data before signing off.

Did you get that?  The Pentagon was funneling money to Ridgeback to DOUBLE PAY for research into this potion, or money laundering, and the gem of all gems, this potion is a nucleoside AND THEY CAUSE BIRTH MUTATIONS.

Molnupiravir is of a family of cell altering drugs. When it was prescribed to women in Spain for HIV, look at the results.

A total of 897 live births from 872 mothers were included. Overall the birth defects prevalence observed was 6.9% (95% CI 5.4-9.1).The most commonly reported birth defects types were in genital organs and urinary system (19 cases, 30.6%) and cardiovascular system (17 cases, 27.4%). 

25 dead babies recorded.7 percent of the living had birth defects, which were in reproductive organs, urinary development and heart disease.

That is 61 children who were deformed in one study and there is not any fixing this kind of deformed child, no more than fixing 20 dead babies.

The DOD funded this. Same Goddamned DOD which was contracting with Fauci to give Chicoms bioweapons to breed to study things which caused all of this. Now the perpetrators of Project Northwoods which sprayed radioactive shit on Americans to study nuclear war, same DOD which exposed Soldiers at nuclear bomb blasts, same DOD which gave us Agent Orange, same DOD that had kids sick and dying from injections in Iraq and same DOD which is force vaxing Soldiers with synthetic priois which are killing and harming people, funded the new saving treatment which turns babies into mutants.

Gee Chloroquine. Quercetin, Ivomec do not cause genetic defects, but let Pfizer resell it for a fotrune or MERCK let loose another mutant gene experiment and the CIA New York Times will Mockingbird lie to you again about how cure all MERCK's potion is.............yeah 50% is what the study said and not what we are being told in the propaganda.

Dr. Mengele was a criminal against humanity for engaging in this shit.

Nuff Said
