As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry monitors different sources from Mitchel Henderson to the New Yorker Magazine to just see what the forensic psychology is manifesting out there in media and the public. It was the New York advocating green terrorism in blowing up oil and gas pipelines which was interesting as where is the FBI showing up there with Merrick Garland to say that is a bad thing like Jan6?
I go with what comes to mind in doing searches as I'm always curious about things and enjoy learning. I was thinking about John Moses Browning of Utah, the greatest firearms inventor in human history as his Winchesters settled America and his machine guns won world wars.
His remarkable Browning Automatic Machine Gun or Ma Deuce as she is known globally is a 50 caliber round which dwarfs all other rounds.
Carlos Hathcock in Vietnam pioneered using the 50 BMG as a sniper round. The world record is held by a Canadian shooter who blew the life out of some Iraqi a few years ago and he got wood over it like all those who get wood over such things.
What fascinates me is not war. I do not like games. What I ponder and study are tactics and strategy. I view large military units, sophisticated munitions and compare them to rudimentary base systems like pawns to queens on a chess board.
One of the greatest tactical implements there is available to the public. I have after Vietnam always appreciated the Marine Recoilless Rifle which has a 3 mile range, and is a small cannon.
The 50 BMG though is available to the public and unlike the McMillan which runs at 11,0000 dollars, there are numbers of 1500 to 3500 rifles on the public market, and it appears numbers of them are quite good and reliable. They weigh around 25 plus to more pounds which is necessary as the 50 is a big round with large recoil. They are not bottle water in your pack for ease of packing around.
Pictured below is something I think is called a Sebu and it got rave reviews. It is one of the "cheaper" tactical rifles, and in orders of conflict, I wondered what Americans were thinking about as guns and ammo have been disappearing off the shelves.
To put it plainly, you are allowed to keep your guns to make you feel secure, but if you think a 9 mm pistol is going to save your life, or some AR 15 in 223 is going to protect you, just remember that in this real life situation, those enforcing a dictatorship if body armor, larger weapons, armor plated vehicles and lots of things pointed back at you at a 100 to 1 ratio. It is close range and designed as such as your skin is not body armor and with drones tracking you in your OnStar cars and cell phones, all of this is operationally designed so you lose your life.
It is why the Lame Cherry tells you to stay home, stop being an idiot and reactionary. pay your taxes, obey the laws and do not get baited by these Judas Goats goading you to join things, leave emails and posts to put you on lists, and get you reacting, instead of just reading your Bible and contemplating how much flour and rice you got in your cache.
I really hope you got the above that the firearms you have been allowed to have are short range and designed to make it easy for those with weapons you paid for to neutralize you easily.
That is why when I read the disclaimer on the Sebu site, I noted that Americans were paying attention in a low percentage to their short range weapons, and are supplying themselves to neutralize the two main antagonists they will face.
I'm going to quote a Vietnam strategy from the United States Pentagon, which seemed odd, but it did work in the Pentagon started shooting the enemy with small 5.56 bullets, which were designed to wound, because a wounded communist, required two other communists to carry them to medical treatment. One bullet therefore neutralized 3 Vietnamese communists by wounding, rather than killing one enemy which left the 2 Vietnamese to continue firing 7.62 x 39 rounds killing Americans.
With the number of incoming orders being at an all time high, it is taking much longer than usual to process orders and payments. It may take a week or more before you receive your sales order. Payments are also not automatically deducted and may disappear from your bank account before they are officially processed. We thank you for your patience with us during this hectic time.
What the nature of the coming situation will be checkpoints to enforce the dictatorship. The main cogs in this are drones which seek a heat signature of people, cell towers tracking your phones, and military checkpoints.
The 50 BMG has the capability to strike drones making those at the checkpoints blind. This will be done at distance as ranges are over a mile. This changes the entire field of operations.
Carlos Hathcock advocated the Scout which he was as he stated he did more observing than shooting. The Scout was not shooting Vietcong farmers with old rifles but watching them. Hathcock stated that he would target officers, if they appeared, but his job was to observe. The Scout is designed to demoralize those in powerful positions. There is a line from William Holden in the Wild Bunch by Sam Pekinpah which states, "He was railroad man and I made the railroad change the way he did things". That is what the Scout does. He changes the way those engaged in operations do things. That demoralizes them.
Put it simply, Carols Hathcock once took 3 days to shoot a Vietnamese General. He always thought that was a mistake, because it caused a violent reaction from the North Vietnamese which got lots of Americans killed and wounded.
In studying Carlos Hathcock's military doctrine of the Scout, what is more demoralizing to a group of uniformed people at a checkpoint, the shortsighted shooting of one of them Bradley Cooper as a Hillary Clinton voter movie style which pisses them off to shoot, rob, rape, beat up innocent people, or a shot to an engine block, making these powerful people walk back to their headquarters humiliated.
Engines are expensive and require a great deal of time to replace them. No one gets hurt, the uniformed groups may not like it, but they go home, have a beer and don't give a damn as it is not their engines. Those in control though begin having problems enforcing a dictatorship as all the vehicles are up on blocks with busted engines. As Lord Cornwallis learned in the American Revolution. once the British began confiscating American things, the Americans stopped supporting the Red Coats. When those enforcing a dictatorship start confiscating the public's vehicles to make their lives more lockdown, the public will stop supporting the enforcement. This does not mean they are going to stop having sex with them for bread crusts, but it does mean they will suddenly forget the things they see people doing who have these John Moses implements.
In examining tactics, this flow of 50 BMG's reveals that there are thousands of Americans who are preparing for Block Actions. In projecting this, the Pentagon is too much overkill as they will respond with Blackhawks and other drone firepower to "send a message" to the John Moses carriers. That in turn will escalate in, instead of engine blocks, those on checkpoints will become targets, much like the Muslims in Iraq began responding with IED's, suicide jackets and other close range theater which Afghanistan manifested too. This then moves the 50 BMG to the background as women and children whose relatives have been blown to Pentagon bits, will start using what they have from toxins to butcher knives.
This blog deals with projections as numbers are where everything begins and ends. Pick a number of 1000 BMG's. That group of independents acting without coordination, if they put a John Moses through 50 engine blocks each, that would put all those uniformed enforcers on foot. One BMG could neutralize entire fleets of drones, helicopters or jets in 10 minutes firing.
Yes the Pentagon has counter measures for t
The BMG, but the real cost in this is the expensive hardware can be destroyed by a piece of metal the size of your thumb which does not cost a million dollars.
What is an extension in this is the Pentagon is ridding itself of Whites and ReVaxNiks Numbers of law enforcement are also being expunged. Each one of them has knowledge of operations, caches and are trained to kill people. They have been removed from the system and there are tens of thousands of them all over the United States.
The 1% is initiating the seeds of a civil strife for a response of major firepower and denial of rights. What this blog engages in, in examining trends and all in forensic psychology allows for projections as there is reasoning by the 1% and reasoning by those who are going BMG.
The BMG would be regulated if the 1% did not want this to envelop America. As much as it is puzzling that for all the regulations, there is not regulation for cutting torches which are going to appear as the weapon of resistance in cutting all types of metals from wheels off armored vehicles to the slicing of guide wires holding up communication towers, just as the New Yorker Magazine was advocating for green terrorism on fuel pipelines.\
All of these rudimentary tools have been left in place by the 1% for their intended projection of this to more George W. Bush suspension of rights which ended with the 4th Amendment in the Patriot.
These projections are the highest probability of future events based on the tools the 1% left in place and what the bleaters will employ as they are gathering their tools as they are thinking things over. They will not be drawn into Jan6 set ups again. They will not be drawn into close range exchanges. They are reverting to the American Ranger mentality of the French and Indian Wars, which Americans by instinct excel at and are successful.
This is fascinating to study as the information is there and this is being generated with reason of cause and effect.
Nuff Said