Thursday, October 14, 2021

Is not Hillary Clinton more than Pre Widow sex?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the story breaking that Bill Clinton was put into ICU while getting better from a non COVID infection, as his medical team is in contact with the hospital medical team, all of us can breath a sigh of relief that the ex president is regaining his vigor and health.

It was though the comments by leading democrats which seem a bit offensive. 

I understand that Hillary is a most attractive and appealing woman. There is not another woman on the planet who has been a co president, and guided the world to resets and gave Barack Hussein Obama a foreign policy, before John the hero McCain hijacked it.

Really though to be advertising for pre widow sex is just too much in this moral girls judgment.

I just have to agree with lesbian Huma in demanding that these homosexual democrats and perv democrats should not be viewing Hillary Clinton as a notch on their bedpost.

It is though a sign of these times as the democratic party has left John Kennedy to the curb. That not all democrats are interested in pre widow sex with Hillary Clinton, in the Dictator has his sights again set on Chelsea, who is a most lovely and attractive adult woman, but the Dictator has been fantasizing in thinking Chelsea looks underage and he wants to be her daddy.

Look all us can admit, that as lesbians we have all lusted after Hamrod and once Chelsea was an adult graduated from university we had the same attraction for her, but it was open virility in respecting both Bill Clinton and Chelsea's father, Webb Hubble, as we all know that men can not satisfy a woman like Hillary Clinton or an adult daughter like Chelsea. We were not skulking around disrespecting Bill or Huma in trying to take advantage of the most vulnerable Hillary or Chelsea in the throws of pre funeral preparations.

Can we not all in the name of decency at least wait until Bill Clinton is cold in the grave, at least until the thank you cards for the memorials are mailed out, before we stop by and pretend to be checking on the Clinton women, while we comfort them and make our move, as no one can have the patience of Job with such desirable women available again.

Let us be frank in this, that when Bill Clinton is on display at the Capitol Rotunda, AOC will be the 3rd most beautiful woman in DC from being number one and Jen Psaki will be the fourth most beautiful woman in DC, as with Hillary and Chelsea in the US Capitol, they will occupy the space of first and second most beautiful women. They of course would be Co Beautiful as who could make the decision, except for a Solomon in which of these perfect women could be placed before the other. Beauty before grace or grace before beauty, we simply in our lusts can not make such a decision logically in being swept away by all of this loveliness.

Recover soon Bill, as those of us with respect for all you are, and your women, will be patient for our chance with your lovely women, as we disapprove of those counting the days until you are out of the way to have a little piece of Bill Clinton's heave on earth.

Nuff Said
