Thursday, October 7, 2021

Merry Vaxmas

It will be like Christmas before Jesus and Germans.
Just another cold winter day, with no presents, no joy, no good will toward men.
It will be..........Merry Vaxmas!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

These headlines mean something. The one dealing with that ghoul Fauci is the most interesting way mark. If you remember, Fauci came out blathering a few months ago about the virus would be slaughtering people to the autumn of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. 

Immediately the 1% yanked Anthony Fauci's leash and made him go back out and say he was wrong, in this would all be over by spring 2022 AD in the year of our Lord.

Due to what reverse speech pioneer David John Oates discovered in endless reversals on leaders, the evidence on Fauci is he is a liar, he gets off on people being vax tortured and he is in it for the money. When Mr., Oates examined though the Chinese ambassador or the Australian PM, they were in the know. They knew the workings of this plandemic, and spoke of the side effects of the virus.

So Anthony Fauci is akin to the Nazi who dumped the zyklon into the chambers. He had no idea why or care, as he was being paid and just following orders. Adolf Hitler had no idea who the guy was and could care less. The 1% has never told Fauci what is taking place, but whoever Fauci snaps his pecker to attention for, knows the details, and they monitor this mic whore constantly. It does not appear that Fauci's handler clues this dupe in either. Fauci gets data projecting this from big pharm it would seem in their prolonging this suffering, and immediately the lords and priests, jerks this ghouls chain, make him look like the fool he is, and Fauci has to come out and say, "Never mind, I terrified children last year about Santa Claus, and I tried to cancel Christmas this year........but Christmas is back on because I'm a dumb fuck".

Fauci apparently has no problem of a conscience in mass murdering people for profit. He is immune even to the 1% exposing him as an international dumb fuck. Most people would quit like Kristi Noem and flee Washington, but not Fauci. His soul appears owned and he will suffer all kinds of humiliation for that spotlight. His latest correction though is important, because it once again is a time line which the 1% are working on.

Former FDA chief Gottlieb expects Delta to be last big pandemic wave in U.S.   reuters 

Fauci Tells Americans To Enjoy ‘Normal’ Christmas After Floating COVID Cancellation   caller 

So the message from the 1% is that this is ending. Ending early, in they are ending it. Now is this a lie to punt this to get people complacent to Christmas, or is it because they want people to spend money now for Christmas as commerce is a factor in this.......the factor is giving some semblance of an economy. There are shortages by design. Inflation and a a stagnant economy are a reality. This is by design.

There have been rumors of forced vaxes by Thanksgiving and Christmas. Dictator Biden is shutting down travel, that will kill the economy period. The results of that will be unrest. Look if the mob can not get it's Malt o Meal, then being denied basics, why should you not just not support the system, but the thought will begin generating in those in power vaxed people and made them sick, and now this system is denying them Malt o Meal. So why should they just not start taking the caviar of the rich.

The data projections which are published online all indicate that Christmas will be a lump of coal. Anthony Fauci told you that his biological weapon would cancel Christmas. Yes the 1% ordered Fauci to change the propaganda. The FDA Chief Scott Gottlieb is Trump's pharma guy. He has a new book, is American Enterprise stooge and works with Pfizer. This is who is saying this ends. The German Pfizer is plugged in, Fauci's pharm is not plugged in. He gets the electric probe up his ass to keep him in line.

The narrative has changed, and it has changed by those who are in the know of released this virus for control. Those for profits are not briefed. 

The profit structure will be the vax hostages, more injections and daily pills to keep the prion in check.

So what we have here is data of problems and a new narrative to punt you ball carriers into 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. Logic is the vax hostages will become compliant and dead It is logical that there is shortages for all the 1% are robbing the world of goods to stick into their tunnels. So to remedy or provide a reason in the mob's mind for their not having anything to buy, is to crash the markets and take their money from them, then what good is money in the bleaters mind if there is not hay to buy to feed their guts.

All of the information being almost completed on this gene therapy vax, indicates as this blog broke in matter anti matter, that a new phase is in process as the 1% does not provide information unless it is to influence the mob.
Remember what this blog has stated, in contrast, to what Jeff Rense and Mitchel Henderson are projecting in lots of dead. I was the one who using numbers projected over 1 million had died from this vax. I'm not stating that numbers of people are culled and will be culled, but as this blog has stated, those people with clots are not dying in mass and should be dead. These people therefore are being oxygenated in a new process as humans are evolved. Think of this as in Terminator as this blog told you in Cromartie, the synthetic blood for the cyborgs. An evolved synthetic human is being progressed by what the data reveals. The 1% wants as many vaxed as possible, It is taking things from the mob. Logic in projections in something I found in the matrix for that 1% window of spring next year, is the time for the next agenda event to isolate people to control the message they will be provided.

Create hostages. Isolate those zombies. Then provide them a new series of informations to program them. Logical sequence.

Always remember, how do you herd a flock of birds? The 1% understands how.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
