Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Return of Eden

Of course I do not know my nipples are showing as they get 
fabric burns and chafe as I'm not doing this so men will want me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jennifer Aniston Tells Men to Shut Up About Killing Babies in Abortions: "No Uterus, No Opinion" -   lifenews 

The Lame Cherry could not agree with the woman that Brad Pitt dumped to get dumped by Jon Voight's goofy daughter, because in a world of equality, Jennifer Anniston has liberated men.

See when men have no uterus so no opinions allowed in aborticide, then men are no longer responsible in working themselves to death supporting children which appeared "oh honey I don't know how I got pregnant".

Then there is the reality for men, in men no longer have to hear from women all these goddamn ideas they have in how they can improve themselves, how they are just like their mothers, how women always know what a man is thinking when not asked. Hey Jen, 'Men did not ask women, so no question, women fulfill the mandate in SILENCE IS GOLDEN".

Women are worthless in wars. They do not fight, so women have no say in how government budgets money for their provisions of forgetting how not to get pregnant at entrapping men moments, so governments can forget about costly social services as men do not have a say in that, so no say, no money for daycare and men have all the say in war as they fight and die, protecting those wombs which make women think they have a say in things.

This is really liberating. Men do not have to listen to these shrews any more. Women don't get at men's bank accounts, and a woman wears her whore outfit and she has some lesbian raping do not have to get involved as no chance of getting prego from the lezbo with a dildo.

This is really great. No more women in men's money. No more women whining about some shit about how they feel or how fat they look in  plumper jammies. This will align women back to what they are best at, faking orgasms, pretending they like men, and fetching beer and pizza, even if they have problems opening the can and those pizza boxes are a real maze as they do not have instructions.

Yes the best friend of a woman is a broom. A nice liter of tequila on her birthday so she can enjoy sex for once and then send them back to their View friends so they can trash each other like the cave vaginas they are.

God started the world without women and it was a really great place. Women came along and it has been going south every since. Jennifer Anniston has brought this now full circle in the beauty of the Garden of Eden, she has set men free of these horrid things that keep popping out of women demanding men die for the womb and the tissue. Men no longer have to listen to women. Men no longer have to pay for stupid ideas women have. Men have re entered the Garden of Eden as you know the Tree of Life flowed Miller Beer, until women came along and made fruity things showing men they were naked and that is where all this Jennifer Anniston stuff started. Yes women ruined it all and then they blamed men for their mistakes and made men pay for all those mistakes.

No more tampons. No more getting stuck behind men in stores, taking Goddamn pictures of the same 10 items on the shelves, because the pussy whipped men sent out on errands just can't pick out the non fattening healthy soup which is all made by the same company from the same Goddamn recipe.

No more having to stand behind women daydreaming in shopping aisles in the middle of the aisle which is the reason it takes them 3 hours to shop when it takes a man 5 minutes. The reason no more of this, is because women have proven since they got the vote, how they fucked up entire nations and the world.

America was the most prosperous nation on earth. England had an empire, they gave women the vote and everything went to hell, just like when a man has a woman in their lives. Before they had a woman, they had money, they were happy and porn to jack off too. It is all cause and effect.

Brad Pitt was a superstar before he had a after women his career is over.

I'm damn glad that men are done with women. In a few years , science will have wombs without women, so men can raise just more men. That will be a real paradise. Hell that Elon Musk has his Mars things going on, men can send all them women on a one way Mars trip and planet earth will finally have some peace.

But you know Goddamn well that women on Mars are going to be building a big ass telescope to snoop on men on earth, and it will be the same old thing...........I don't know how to use this dial, where is a man, I think we spent too much, look at all those nice things men have on earth, I want those things, do you think this plumper pants makes my ass look big, it is those men's fault.............

Tell it to the telescope sister as now that men are liberated from the vaginal gulag, they will probably live to be 500 years old again, peace will reign and they can solve all the problems women caused in 6000 years.........take 60,000 years to undo this mess.

How can all those men be happy without me!!!!
