Sunday, October 10, 2021

Negroid Cake


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I ..........I like recipes more than Emily Dickinson. She had some West Indies cake recipe called Black Cake. which is a kind of custard molasses burnt sugar thing.

Sort of sounds like Emily Dickinson as the youth portrait does not reflect the man hands face the creature was in real life.

As you can see she looks like a ball of laughs.

The cake looks like something someone would bake that did not know how to bake, ruined it, and put it on a platter and people too stupid to say this looks like shit, ate it, and smiled politely like lil women and lil men, which is not woke at all as Emily should be barred for not writing Lil Genders.

OK here is the egg killer recipe. It reminds me of an English Plum Pud. Probably what it is really.

2 pounds Flour -
2 sugar -
2 Butter -
19 Eggs -
5 pounds Raisins -
1 ½ Currants -
1 ½ Citron -
½ pint Brandy -
½ — Molasses -
2 Nutmegs -
Cloves - Mace -
Cinnamon -
2 teaspoons Soda -

Beat Butter
and Sugar
Together -
without beating
and beat the
Mixture again -
Bake 2 ½ or
Three hours, in
Cake pans, or
5 to 6 hours
in Milk pan
if full.

This ends my fascination with Negroid Cake.

Nuff Said
