Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Handicap of a Cat on my Shoulder and a Dog on My Feet

Anyone Who’d Support Going To War Over Taiwan Is A Crazy Idiot

If only I had too much time on my hands.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a link off of Rense, was Caitlin Johnstone. I don't know what at Caitlin Johnstone is, but she is a propaganda debunker. She looks like Grace Slick from Jefferson Airplane or Starship as she is old.

The post was about war over Taiwan, which anyone would support is a crazy idiot. It would seem the sane idiots support handing over Taiwan to China. Me, I have made not secret in I hate Taiwaners, well not all as I had a good repore with a Hooter's Girl in Taiwan. She was nice, but I got cheated by Taiwan cheats and would like seeing them obliterated, just like the cheats from China. Is why I'm all for arming Taiwan with Japanese made hydrogen bombs and letting these slant eyes obliterate each other.

That though is another subject as of course we all know that the propaganda is for a war, as that is why the military stole the election for Dictator Biden, as they want a war with the slant eyes..

I should have a caveat here, as I like the epicanthic fold peoples. Odd how Google does not know what Epicanthic as as they say it is not word. OK I like Nips, I like Filipino, I like Indochinese mostly. I like Polynesians. I like Koreans.

OK now time to read the shit below.

The mass media have been falsely reporting that China has been encroaching on Taiwan’s “air defense zone”, which gets stretched into the even more ludicrous claim that China “sent warplanes flying over Taiwan”. In reality Chinese planes simply entered an arbitrarily designated area hundreds of miles from Taiwan’s coast it calls its “Air Defence Identification Zone”, which has no legally recognized existence and contains a significant portion of China’s mainland. This is likely a response to the way the US and its allies have been constantly sailing war ships into disputed waters to threaten Beijing.

OK with the obvious out of the way that we all hate Chinese and want them all dead, here is the big question that Grace Slick when the truth is found to be lies.

To the point which you missed, is why is Caitlan Johnstone the one doing the bitching for the Peking girls?  If you need a bit more detail to the question, the detail is that dictator Xi could blow all this propaganda out of the water, embarrass all in the west, by telling the mob what liars their leaders are, and Xi would gain all the political advantage, and just walk into Taiwan, as Xi could unleash a Jane Fonda anti war movement by exposing the lies.

So why is dictator Xi not exposing the truths of Caitlin Johnstone?

Ok we move on as Catilin delves into your racism, yes something about Niggers wanting to drive on your black top as they balled your White wives, and Chinamen are not interested in taking over foreign lands or wanting to make you live under communism.........oh and not giving you a social credit score.

The idea that China wants to take over a bunch of foreign lands, make you live under communism and give you a social credit score is the same kind of foam-brained bigoted othering which told previous generations that Black men want to take over your neighborhood so they can have sex with your wives. It’s the sort of belief that can only find purchase in an emotionally primitive mind that lacks the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand that not everyone wants what you have.

Hmmmm. I wonder if there was such a thing as an internet search engine.

The annexation of Tibet by the People's Republic of China, called the "Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" by the Chinese government, and the "Chinese invasion of ...

Apr 2, 2021 ... China's Unrestricted War on India. Beijing Bullies Its Neighbor By Unconventional Means. By Brahma Chellaney. April 2, 2021.

The cause of the firefight between Soviet and Chinese troops was a matter of dispute. The Soviets charged that Chinese soldiers crossed the border between the ...

Feb 23, 2017 ... On February 17, 1979, hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops crossed Vietnam's northern border to invade the country, waging a bloody strike ...

Jun 21, 2021 ... The declarations follow reports that, as well as interning Uyghurs in camps, China has been forcibly mass sterilising Uyghur women to suppress ...

Jul 13, 2021 ... Chinese companies are buying up land in Asia and Africa. The combined area of land purchased or leased by such companies over the past ...

Now let us keep a score here, the above links are proof that Chicoms are indeed brutally warlike, genocidal and taking over nations. 

The evidence though that Caitlin Johnstone says is not there is that these communist slant eyes want to make you communists. That she is correct on, but she leaves out the best part in the Chicoms do not want to covert you to group slavery, but instead want you dead, so they can colonize your nations. The PLA has been quite orgasmic in embracing nano warfare and ethnic bombs.

So that renders the last Caitlin Johnstone point on giving you social credit scores as the Chinamen will be sleeping in your beds.

Here is the thing if the war with China is not Taiwan, it will be Korea again, or the Philippines, and if it moves to Indochina or Japan it will be a nuclear war as the balance will have shifted to the shit rot West being defeated.

Now is Grace Slick ignorant and uninformed? Is she immersed in her propaganda spin so much that is all she sees? Is she a rock n roll sexy asset of the 1% who like rock n roll assets? All of the above does not matter as the links reveal that she produces bad propaganda.

The Lame Cherry would rather examine why I would not want to die for General Singlaub's children whose fingerprints are all over this any more than I want to be killed by one of our stellar American agencies who I paid for their guns and needles to protect me, and now they are a more immediate jeopardy than the slant eyes of Peking.

Here are a few facts:

Peking did not send the FBI out to spy on parents of school children in calling them domestic terrorists, that was Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Peking did not order people to be vaxed or they would lose their jobs and be starved to death. That was Dictator Joe Biden.

Peking is not looting trillions from the US Treasury. That is the US Congress in both parties.

The world is a big enough place that Americans are being threatened by numbers of people who want them dead and are pointing dangerous things at them.

If you do not want to die for Taiwan, the Lame Cherry offered the solution in a cobalt hydrogen bomb tsunami mines to flood China if they attempt to invade Taiwan. This answer to war has not been implemented as the 1% is intent on this war and your dying.

If you do not want to be killed by the Dictator, then the Lame Cherry covered that in advising you to give ground, because there are wars and events out there which will overtake the target that Jan6 placed on you.

Sorry but this ends here as I had to go clean up cat shit. Odd how St. Paul never wrote in the letter to the Ephesians, "Sorry I had to go clean up cat shit so that ends the letter" or Einstein wrote,' I couldn't finish the theory of relativity because I had to go clean up cat shit".

I would rather the rich would donate, and then I could say, "Hey solve the problems today on your own as am out solving the big issues as now I have the money to have the time to find the answers in God".

Best of Styx: here: video by Styx performing Too Much Time On My Hands.

 Nuff Said
