Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Vax Invasion of the Alien DNA


I know you are handsome, but can I see your DNA first please?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was moved to compose this in compassion for one of the Cherry Family. I share it here for your education.

Thank you for sharing this and I wanted to share some thoughts on this in something I was listening to last night. Rense had on George Filer, of the Filer Files. Rense has been pestering him for a very long time to share his story, as he is a UFO guy, military background at the top levels, and was an experiencer.

After listening to him, and then thinking about this vax pattern, I told TL, that "it seems like we have some alien race which has taken power and they have set up a program to eliminate people". I have been pondering this for sometime in normal forensic psychology, there should be people who are refusing to vax people, like pregnant women, and not one person from the FBI to CDC has resigned. There is a control there or an "order" which is keeping people obedient.

Filer is part of that unique military connected group of experiencers. I'm sorry I can not remember the dean of this group, but he died just last year, and he had the most bizarre stories of the Nordics, or the pretty demons which I believe they are. The Nordics were all through the defense industry. Rense's dad worked at McDonald aircraft like Filer and always talked about the "women too pretty to be real" who were employed there.
Filer said at 5 years of age, a beautiful woman asked him and his friend if they wanted to have lunch in the Appalachians (He lived in Illinois) and she wanted to show him her ship. It was a stainless steel machine and Filer thought it had to be Air Force. Not guidance or anything. The ship just flew where the Nordic wanted it to. She served the boys lunch, sandwiches and took them home.
He said he saw this woman about 10 times, and at age 18 met a girl at the carnival with other girls who could have been this woman's sister. He would marry her 3 years later.

Filer made some comments that the Nordics told him they wanted humans to keep the earth nice. Then he said he thought the Greys were in a breeding program of crossing with humans for five generations to make them acceptable.
I usually discount this UFO storyline, but I stated thinking about this in the data which I have seen, and data which has been released from science in the origins of mankind. The short story of the Star Children, is like Battlestar Gallactica, in there were primates on earth, then homosapiesn appeared, and for some reason interbred with the Neanderthals of Europe. That line has been in a percentage of humans, it is also a gene code which has been expiring to the bioweapon.
I have written of culling segments of the population. It is evident the Protestant Christian Lost 10 line is one which is targeted, it is also the competitor Spiritual line and numbers of them are ReVaxNiks. There have been different vaxes for different populations as the article noted. There is a definite pattern in this.
I still do not believe that they intend to wipe out this many people. Enslave yes, syn form change yes, but this is more about wresting the God Light DNA structure in humans to another form of dark light or anti light. The order can utilize people by making their DNA manufacture products.

Here is what I think is happening. I have written of the skin forms which started appearing. The Nazi's made book with them for technology in Metranome, the principle demon which has been sharing knowledge for thousands of years. This door way in Paperclip was opened and the cocky American military thought their radars were knocking down UFO's but this was part of the deception, to sow knowledge on Admiral Perry's South Pole contact which alarmed the brass and had Dwight Eisenhower agreeing to genetic experiments in exchange for technology.

It was a big money story for sometime in David Icke promoted the Reptilians, which are one of the demon principle groups. This was spiked in stories to make it wacky, but something to ponder in this..........the Donald was all pro America in his speech reversals, he met Obama and that all changed. Allot of people have been changing and not one damn one of them is squealing. You will remember all of those genetic scientists started dying, and then this biowarfare all started appearing, and about this same time, the elected people as a whole did not care what any of us thought or said anymore.

I have written of the psychological forms that governments people have to pass. There are revelations that people in England attend gatherings, they only get hired, and when they are done with these conventions, they never are the same, they view humanity as an enemy to be destroyed.

I have been thinking why all these people in power are in lock step. What if this is satan / metatron, working through the possessed, created these skin form clones. The "greys" and sent them on a mission to interbreed with God's creations which is not corrupted. They took on the likeness, and this would follow the numerous stories of abductees, visitations this group has since the 1950's been interbreeding the demonic or Cain race into humanity, and this went into warp drive after World War !! in all of these like genetics were advanced in this super system. They think alike, they act alike, they are as different from Christians as Christians are from them. There are races of humans, both genetic and Spiritual spiritual. A 1% group which knows each other like bees know their hive from other bees, and they all protect and promote each other in this "evolution" of humanity. 

None of them are getting sick as in COVID. Meaning their genetics are indeed different than the rest of humanity. Yes there is a deadly virus. Yes there was an inoculating virus. Neither one of which are COVID which is not a virus, but the COVID is now a progression of these vaxes to further the agenda of the slave immortals for the immortals.

I do not know if the Neanderthals were an original experiment, but they were infused into humanity, perhaps for a rugged DNA, but in this last solution, Neanderthals, and God's chosen DNA is being targeted for extermination. The 1% does not want the higher order of the Lost 10 nor the lower order of the Neanderthals in their structures. This vax is genius in it is all things and nothing. It kills, it enslaves, it transforms.

I do believe that my keepers figured this out, and were part of a screening action, as this would probably overthrow their order. The vax though is designed to kill those who had the virus and recovered. Think of this the Assyrian Shem line is protecting itself from this DNA infused group.

satan is the adversary, it always wanted to supplant God. The beast, anti Christ, false profit are all an image of the Promise of God. This evolved DNA race, which was created on the life only God can create, is by design to create an adversarial humanity which does not need God to become immortal and will be aligned to thoughts satan than God.

I honestly believe this is the connecting thought in this. Those behind this if they wanted everyone dead, could have done it with a germ. They did not need this epic being played out, unless there are prizes in this, meaning what holds more prestige, a Hamite from Africa without the Patriarchs DNA or getting some American Protestant with the material to transform into a Holy Ghost child of God, which God says once this is subverted can never be redeemed and is eternally dead but will never die?
The Protestant is the competitor and threat in this. Scare them to inject this vax, and the synform building structures, make their mind compliant to following orders and they will be forever alien to God. Oh there is that word, "alien", not from Vulcan, but alien to God. Bag that group and that is really stolen glory for satan.

An anti God skin form group is in place, and it is in process of creating an extended body, jump started by 5G, Musk's SatNet,and the connecting voltage is the synthetic forms being evolved before us.

The propaganda keeps pushing the death paradigm as all of these people are terrified of death. There are things worse than death. Death is the cover in this by design, death is hiding what is the immortal end point in this, Immortals served by immortal slaves, the spiritual drones who never developed in Christ.

Those who steal the blog's content do not want to talk about the immortal aspect of this, some do, but it is always being dragged back to the deception of the biological. This is sooner or later going to become the reality of the souls involved in this which the synthetic form is hijacking for the dark light infusion.

God provides evidence that in a few generations, that DNA can be so corrupted that it can never be redeemed to God, like Sodom, Canaan, Nimrod's Nineveh, most of the world save Noah before the flood. With electronics, radio waves, though corruption it has been established that America is not the America from even a few years ago. Infuse into this a select group of thousands which are now all in power and acting alien to America. 
These are not communists. This is not even political. It is not making sense, unless one looks at this from the genetic, this is DNA, because that is what the vax is, gene therapy. 
This is a DNA group. The have no fear of elections. the police state, they think and act alike, they have no fear of the mob. 

This must stop being referred to as a kill shot. Yes it kills, but this is evolution shot. It is supplanting DNA and altering it to a new form of synthetic human, by those in power, who never get fired or removed.

I must ponder this some more in Spirit and will probably post the contents shared here in the blog, so to not repeat myself.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
