Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Pandora's Box


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has had it with these GOPliters who practice genocide on their own People. It does not matter if it is Rick DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas or the Corona Queen Kirsti Noem of South Dakota, they open their mouths and lie to voters and then allow this foreign vermin to invade their states unabated all for the 1%.

Kristi Noem, the protector of sex perverts, unless it is pollack Corey Lewandowski, then the woman can not destroy a man fast enough, is in the news again. This time her mafia state has been outed as the Switzerland of the world in money laundering.

The Lame Cherry wants to explain something in my fury over this, in the Swiss when they laundered money created a nation which was free, armed and the people had a wonderful standard of living. The Swiss did not like Adolf Hitler, prey on their own people. Not so with Kristi Noem who in the release of the Pandora Papers has shown that Sioux Falls has become the Mecca of not just Islam immigration managing Goddamn Chinese slaughter houses, but is taking in hundreds of billions of dollars to in trust funds.

This may sound like a good deal, but take a look at what kind of King's Deer Poverty South Dakota is as Kristi Noem pleads for more Mask Refugees to flood into South Dakota.

This is Pine Ridge. Would you want to live like that?

This is Dell Rapids, like most of South Dakota the last time new buildings appeared on Main Street was in 1920 AD in the year of our Lord, because that is the last time South Dakotans had any money.

While Kristi Noem eats cake, South Dakotans exist in 3rd world dumps in her Black Hole and the people are stuck in Havana Cuba before Castro.

Here is how this works. 

You had a Christian Protestant state that the 1% started meddling in to overthrow America. The filthy politicians sold out, first to Chinese communist, Obama Marxists and pedophile billionaires. With all that money rolling in from sex deviants and slave runners, the Realtors (Kristi Noem's daughter is moving to cash in on mummies call for more sex deviants to come to South Dakota) took desert prices on homes and land, and put California prices on them.

Last time I checked, low wage burger flippers which is what South Dakota is peopled by, can not afford half a million dollar homes, but it is amazing how all the Mexicans and Chinese laundering money into South Dakota can afford businesses and homes.

When you start dumping billions of dollars into a poor rural state, that money does not filter to the People. It stays in the crook liberal centers of power who import more slave labor to deal with those Conservatives who dislike having their home turned into a 3rd world rape factory.

The Lame Cherry is warning all of you reading this that DeSantis, Abbott and Noem are employed to flip those GOP states to red communism. They have nothing but Californians and New Yorkers flooding into those states bringing ruin.

I spoke with retired couple last week from South Dakota. They were from the area of American Armageddon in fact, and the woman who was a school teacher told me, that the lake where they have their home...........SOLD 40 lots this past months to Californians, New Yorker and the refugees fleeing Minneapolis. Local people can not compete with those land prices and are being genocided, as the Goddamn Mexicans are pouring into South Dakota like Texas in picking the area clean of everything and the rich are inflating prices so people can not afford a home. 
For those who remember the Viking and what is happening in Minnesota in rentals, South Dakota is worse. There are huge investments in apartment complexes bigger than most businesses. This is where the White People are going to be housed in confinement when not working themselves to death as owning land in America is over.

South Dakota was for sale, and it has been sold. It is no longer America. Kristi Noem has finished that once free state off. Governor Kristi Noem like all these GOPliters were just punters. They punted the ball down the field while telling you they were playing for America, but have done nothing but sell America out.

This is happening in every state, it is all YOUR DEBT money funding this, as it flows to shit holes, and then comes back and buys you a shit hole and gives you a grave.

I will repeat in this, as I was talking with an old Republican a few weeks ago and he was pissed. He is from South Dakota too. He was phoning Mike Rounds who sold South Dakota out to China or he was trying as Rounds never picks up the phone as people are furious over Jan6 and John Thune who spreads the cheeks for Mitch McConnell, the old guy said that Thune's stooge hung up on him.

That is corrupt South Dakota. It is your state as none of this is not reaching all of us. America is about to be seized by the Nation Rapists to the very land.

13 hours ago ... Pandora Papers puts South Dakota, the state of Mount Rushmore and the Badlands and Gov. Kristi Noem in unsavory company around the world.

9 hours ago ... Biggest tax haven in U.S.? South Dakota, says Pandora Papers investigation. By Irina Ivanova. October 5, 2021 / 8:16 AM / MoneyWatch ...

8 hours ago ... South Dakota is sheltering billions of dollars in wealth, some linked to individuals and companies accused of financial crimes or serious ...

22 hours ago ... The Pandora Papers – as they are being called – show foreign politicians and millionaires are hiding their money in South Dakota because of ...

1 day ago ... South Dakota has been outed as “a major destination for foreign money” on par with more notorious tax havens in Europe and the Caribbean, ...
