Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Jewdas Goats

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just as Q Peters is programming people with verbiage as "They are aiming this vax at you", in order to trigger you to pick up things with triggers on them to assist the DIA in cracking you down, there is a group which is the apologist Donald Trump, Alex Jones and Michael Cernovich, who are telling you to go out and get the vax.

Trump had to back pedal, in telling people, "you will be the first to know if something went wrong with his vax" (Trump was given saline as all this group were as important people dying would end he vax.) , but the apologist Alex Jones, who created his bona fides in saying "Fuck you Donald Trump" appeared with a vax cuddle of "this is just Trump sugar water so get the vax".

Mike Cernovich has been employed again to be a Pied Piper.  His latest herding was telling people, meaning Law Enforcement to take the vax, as fighting from the inside is where we need people.

OK this series of serums, are different in aspects in some create blood clots, some affect the brain etc.... These are all platforms which will be a toxic cocktail combined in the Fauci's 3rd dose to synform the demovaxers or mob who is vaxed.

Trump, Jones and Cernovich are extensions of the Mosaad Katska of operatives. They were keyed on by the created AltRight, yes Jewish Mosaad created this for 2012 presidential elections, and they are now in the employ of this DIA Mosaad extension, to gather in a few more of this lessening number of people to be vaxed.

The fact is this vax harms and kills people. To have followed the Gorilla's advice in fighting from within, would mean you are either full of clots or your brain is rotting, or you are dead if you are one of the target Neanderthal groups of 1% rejected DNA genus types.

If you have noticed some of the Trumpophiles have been cut to the wind Jack Prosobiac, the Pope Boy, Sun Prancer of Cuckervatitude Treehose and the Gayway Pundit, are now all adrift in looking for some buzz, as their Kushner Mosaad plug in has gone breaker black. This is all herding as much as the worthless Sean Homo Hannity, Mark silence is golden Levin and whatever else in that Bogdanovich or whatever his name is in trying to hold people to the political punt in buying time are withering on the vine.

The real living in the woo, driving forces are the Clif High, Gerald Celente types. They create content that small platforms are carrying, outside of the DIA. They are being left to perform like some poor orphan girl to monitor bait clicking. All of this has been factored in by the 1%, nothing is a surprise nor planned for in contingencies in this. They know.

I will term a group the Jeff Rense platform. They got into this mix of the vax, drove it, neutralized it, neutralized Trump, neutralized the frame of Jan6, and have created this firewall. This group is not biting on the bait. Rense talks about protest, but people are protesting in a different way. People are following the American Ranger advice of falling back, scouting, preparing, waiting for another day.

They are not following the biblical Mike Flynn, Patrick Byrne or Sidney Powell who served the purpose with effect in this DIA operation. Steve Bannon, Populist and other established propaganda platforms which are failing. They have not arrive to the common thought like Spartacus Letter, that the 1% is posting in comments to posting information, to influence with 10% lies and 90% truths. These are punting operations to pin people down, not to stop violence as this is not going to take place, but to stop you from preparing and readying yourself for what comes next.

The reason for the continuing fixation on a greater majority vaxed is, one ReVaxNik, like Elijah stopped the rain and brought down the regime. One Protestant Christian mirroring God, can undo a great deal of this 1% agenda.

Follow Christ, do not act out, behave, keep giving ground, as your purpose is to survive past the events. Think of it this way, when a building is falling as you know the building is about to go over, you are not going to listen to the chimp telling you stand still so the building falls on you, so you can fight from the inside.

Nuff Said
