Monday, October 4, 2021

Rope Vine Vax Clots


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm sitting here puzzling over the photos and evidence of the blood of vaxed people. In normal medicine, if you get a blood clot, it blocks blood supply, which ends oxygen transfer and the end of this is a stroke in the brain or gangrene with great pain as the oxygen deprived areas rot.

These vax clots are real. We have seen pictures of these in brains, hearts, lungs etc... Yes people are dying, thus the brain clot autopsies, but these are mega clots, oxygen deprived blood, high in iron and calcium.

They are real. They are causing problems as in my friend whose heart felt like it was blowing out of his chest and he could not breathe. He is still walking around on blood thinners. The medical staff called him a long hauler.

Jeff Rense and Erica Kahn keep asking the question which all ask in why are these people alive with this kind of clotting in their bodies. They should be having severe pains, body parts rotting and strokes and yet they are not exhibiting this kind of symptoms.


Blood when it looks this color, this dark does not have oxygen. These vaxes ae producing cancers also, and that is an acidic cesspool. I'm tyring to puzzle this out in writing this, but it appears somehow the human body is existing without oxygen. Oxygen is necessary in amino acid chemical processes. Humans are electro chemical processors. That process is being transformed and interupted. Some are dying, all are not dying. The only conclusion in this is, is that the tissue and processes in humans has been altered.

This virus, spike protein, synthetic prion as Dick Allgire stated from the beginning, an as Eric Kahn confirmed, are loaded with sugars, they love sugars. Sugar is an oxygen concentrated fuel. What the Lame Cherry is projecting in this in another matter anti matter exclusive, is that there is something in the vaxed which has developed a mechanism which has replaced oxygen.

There are certain life forms which reproduce in non oxygen environments. What has to be taking place in this human transformation, this immortal cloth being wove on graphene inside the human body, is that breathing as a necessity to providing oxygen is being supplanted. Foods appear to be providing the sugars or the concentrated oxygen, to fuel the process in whatever this synthetic form which these vaxed people are being transformed at the moment. The transformation is not complete, but there is an acceleration in humans, including children which is like they are one huge cancer cell, and the process is consuming sugars, because the blood is no longer carrying oxygen, but is this kind of Cromartie syrup.

Apr 8, 2008 ... A scientist got greedy and busy finishing an invention..turns out to be a monster in sheep's ... Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles.

I just exposed TL to the Sarah Connor Chronicles for the expressed purpose of the type of synthetic blood the cyborgs required which would not rot. I would suggest your watching that series to see a rough blood print of what is the base of all of this. This blood which is in the vaxed is not blood. It is a prion globbed blood ball which sticks to each other, asd is apparently still functioning as a delivery system for energy to the body. This is the Lame Cherry in another matter anti matter exclusive.  It is highly possible this red rope licorice slime or slime clots, may have the connective qualities like nerves transferring electric impulses, instead this carbon graphene based platform is capable of transforming sugar energies, like an electric cord in the gut, plugged into the rest of the body, all without necessary circulation. 
If this is the immortal platform which has been constructed, this is beyond anything which has ever been dreamed of. This is an entirely new synthetic biological form.

This blog has stood alone in this, in not projecting that everyone will die from this, but is weeding out specific human species. Neanderthals on lesser genus and the God created Protestant Christians as higher Spiritual creations. An immortal, psychotic void of humanity, a vax zombie slave appears to be generating. The clots are there. People should stroke or rot, they are not. Therefore a projection must be assembled on the evidence of back engineering. The above exclusive is the conclusion of the evidence.

Nuff Said

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