Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Q Peters Rub Some Dirt On It Vax Cure

It's ok, as the cure is a walk in the sun.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Amanda the Military Wife appeared on Q Peters on Wednesday the 6th of October with fibers pulled out of her husbands uniformed assed with a tweezers or something, but that is not the part of this DIA operation which Peters is trolling those on the right with his A class guest you probably should conclude the A class guests are generated out of the Pentagon like Steve Bannon, and that is why the all have internet space and place, and no one is shutting them down.

What Amanda the Military Wife was saying that TL was displeased with was the new Q Peters pablum in you will be pleased to know that Amanda knows there is a natural cure for the Covid Vax, and if you just get some sunshine for Vitamin D, you will cure yourself.

I hope you are paying attention to this, in people on the right are being told that they can undo the vax complications if they just rub some dirt on it.

Clif High has been progressing some natural treatments, but they are treatments from vitamins to Chaga tea, to other things to help offset the effects of this vax. That is good information as treatments will extend life up to a point which will give people hope. The difference is that Q Peters from the DIA is telling people to go get some sun and they will get cured.

The sun does not cure graphene poisoning.

The sun does not cure prion damage.

The sun does not cure heart damage.

The sun does not cure brain damage.

The sun does not cure Morgellons.

The sun does not cure nano bots.

The sun does not cure hydra invasions.

The sun does not cure metal shards cutting tissue.

The reason the sun does not cure the above is why the 1% built this vax to not be overcome. This is meant to change humans in evolving them and it meant to be successful at this without any chance of failure.

Telling people that rubbing dirt on cancer is not going to cure them. This vax is a synthetic prion at source. It has a number of discovered and undiscovered manifestations. The "worst" is that it inhibits the genes which fight cancers and cancers are killing people in months, people who had recovered and people who never had cancer.

In this poor orphan girls assessment, the cancer factor is the worst immediate designed complication of this vax. Heart rot is something which could be months or years out. Brain rot is a shortened 18 month diagnosis getting shorter each day. Clots can crop people at any time. The cancer bloom though is the one which will bring the most suffering, along with these sadistic DIA platforms now telling military people to get the vax and the cure is sunshine.

Nuff Said
