Thursday, October 7, 2021

Those in the Bungholes of the Earth


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to provide you some links and this is a building block in why computer chips to ass wipe have disappeared from the shelves as the 1% is hording for when production ceases.

First, I'm going to tell you something. I use a term like ASS WIPE for the Artificial Intelligence scanners. I also use it for the techs who have to review this blog and then the lords who read the breakdowns. Gutter language is something they are aloof too. They are profane as anyone, but being crass and injecting ass wipe into their thought processes, as it all renders in the same deep state dreams is like James T. Kirk telling Spock when he was being cloned to "Keep his half breed Vulcan ideas to himself".

Now for the lesson.

The Lame Cherry can assure you that the tunnels you will see in this video are real.

walmarts --

military tanks train in nd --

The Lame Cherry assures you that the information in Walmart is DOD, as is Home Depot, and that both are link points to these types of complexes, just as a small college like Park University in Missouri have these same Horta Tunnels.

Yes again a Star Trek reference, but the sides of these dirt walls are melted so they will not collapse. They have been changed in the tunneling process which America has been funding for decades. These Horta Caverns are real, they exist, they are tunnel storage and links in FEMA defense zones.

When you look at that photo, just contemplate for a moment that you need ventilation in fans, filters for air and those lights are on needing power. That energy is coming from more than above ground grids. You figure the technology which is supporting these Horata Catacombs. 

This is where all of your lumber, computer chips,  30 weigh base oils, toilet paper, ammo, foods have been pouring into. Semi trucks look like Tonka toys in these caverns, that is how immense they are.

They have vaxed the zombie lepers, and these urban concentrations will be ordered to enter the tombs, be put into hibernation and at 58 degrees these zombie will be in stasis with all the manufactured goods to re emerge looking like Cuba still driving 57 Chevies.

I believe God is hiding main parts from me as I would interfere without intending to. It is why I keep telling you to prepare as a ReVaxNik. We are still topping off things and finding new supply to avert what the obstructions which are in place.

You have to believe the Lame Cherry. Yes the intent is to massacre Protestants. Yes piles of people, oldsters will die, but the intent is not everyone. This vax gene therapy goes wrong and lots of people die, but the intent is these tunnels and cold storage of obedient zombie.

The Bible predicts a time when we will not be going back to what was. As the 1% is preparing for something with fleets of pretty and new semis parked in caverns which are manmade, then you should be preparing for your needs. The Bible is specific in plagues, famine, pestilences, stars falling from Heaven, massive earthquakes and wars of obliteration.  That is what trouble and tribulation are.

The 1% vaxed the zoo animals. They are not dying or in danger. Yet they are turning them into synthetic forms just like people. If the 1% wanted to kill everyone, they could have with a bat germ already. So the projection is changing people to control them. Yes below ground in controlling them. Easiest way to control people is to put them into hibernation. The 1% is managing this like the ark. They are going to put the tigers to sleep just like the vaxed, to emerge at a future time when what is being initiated and what is out there is finished.

The 1% would lose all control if what is out there was known. People would not obey the thin blue line. Anarchy would prevail and the plans of the 1% for the cloth of the land would not work out.

Just focus on Christ, keep preparing, give yourself that advantage. Nowhere in the Bible does it say we are going to freeze to death, yes it will get hot, so stay out of the sun when it flames up with your animals. and you have food and water, you made it through this training lockdown so you can deal with the next phases, and not be turned into a clay model in a tunnel stacked up like ass wipe.

You don't have to be the feces in the bungholes of the earth.

Nuff Said
