Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Police State Dies of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I would rather not, but God has been bringing to mind the story of the man whose DC police bashed his head in twice on January 6th that the FBI has asked the public to help in hunting down.

After the satire of the posting in they were looking for a White man, as all could see that from the photos, the forensic psychological examination of that posting is what kept interesting me. If you look at the photo below, you can see this Citizen has suffered at least two brutal head blows, the rear blow actually sloughed off his skin and hair and the forward ruptured severe bleeding.

This photo makes normal people wince and it was intended for that purpose, and in this James Comey "What Hillary Clinton intended made her innocent" is what this forensic analysis is focused on in the FBI.


WANTED: The Man Whose Head Was Bashed In By DC Police

As none of you have backengineered this, we will examine the evidence of FBI postings on Twitter or the internet just do not happen. People are behind this, and people are making decisions in what to post, how to post it, and how to present it.

There were 3 photos of this accused man who had his head bashed in by the DC police. The 3rd one was designed for shock, after the first two were serene photos of this Citizen. So why does the FBI want to shock you?

Plot out the psychology of this as you begin your projections and conclusions, in just like the media showing Donald Trump with orange hair or a screwed up face, it is deliberate in this photo of this bashed head Citizen. This photo was not a still. It was from a video and it was watched numerous times by tech people. This photo did not just happen as a grab. The video was slowed down, it was run back, it was run forward, it was examined for expressions and the evidence above is the exact psychology the FBI chose to present for it's message of shock and bash.

What does this photo say to you? It blares intimidation of the public. It blares that the police can bash a Citizen's head in and no one reviews it for police brutality and if the Citizen is Ashli Babbitt, the murderer is exonerated and praised for murdering an unarmed woman.

Why would the FBI want to send the message to the public that the police can brutalize an unarmed old man, and the FBI will then hunt you down? Intimidation and fear to make this the expected "LEGAL" outcome for every Citizen, that every Citizen is going to have their heads bashed in and then be hunted down. Not just hunted down, but abandoned by Congress and the Courts, and mocked in the media, as the Department of Justice tortures these Citizens with not one speedy trial, in order to break them with isolation and cockroaches. 

This is what fascinates me in an FBI and DOJ where not one person has ever resigned over any of this brutality and framing of Americans. It fascinates me in projections in you can imagine technicians sitting in a room with screens and looking at all of this, and it has no affect on them at all in any wincing in seeing this kind of harm done to another human. These techs though did not assemble this posting by the FBI. These techs have superiors who assemble things, but they do not publish, as they have no idea what the script or photos should be.

That comes from someone higher up, another manager who is part of this team to hunt down Jan6ers. There is an entire group with like minded Special Agents all across America to carry out the intimidation and orders. It is in DC though that the fascinating part of this takes place, the upper floors ,because you now have techs, supervisors and a Jan6 manager, they in turn are coordinating with the group that Christopher Wray heads as Director as we learned of the divisions and intricacies when Lisa Page and Peter Strzok were running their Pissgate entrapment which no one will ever answer for as this is regime 1% policy.

Even when it comes to Director Wray, he is not an expert in forensic sciences, so there is another department added to this meeting, in the policy has been formulated by the forensic units in how to respond or how to unleash on Jan6ers. There is a full psychological detailing in this, and this FBI release on Twitter is a manifestation of this. When the Director asked for and then signed off on what this Twitter posting would be, someone in forensics advised that this shock and bash should be the message to Americans. Someone wanted to make sure that the police state conditioned the public that law enforcement can bash your head in and then hunt you down, so they can break you with torture and NO ONE IN GOVERNMENT is going to say a thing about it.

So you have the Director, his top floor group, and they decide on this message of intimidation. This then is ordered through the Jan6 team to the techs who are now ordered to find a series of photos of this old man for the psychological effect. Could this just involve the forensics people, yes it can, as they have access to the files, but the techs first has to find the material, assemble it, and then it passes through the forensic unit which out of a number of bashed in head photos, the one above was chosen.

Again put yourself there. Was it old school in they printed the photos up? Did the meeting have copies printed up for each top floor to review and decide? Yes there were discussions in this, in numbers of photos and the one which was chosen was this most brutal one, zoomed in, filtered for clarity and this was on purpose for the purposes intended.

For normal people, a day of employment like this, would make them sick to their stomachs and they would quit, as normal people can not look at photos of people who are hurt and not begin questioning what they are involved with.
Think of Saddam Hussein, his execution photo, with his broken neck bone bulging out of the side of his neck. That was disturbing and another fiasco of that Bush execution of a criminal against humanity. Even in that fitting end, a normal person does not like looking at photos like this, and discusses how to use them for propaganda. That is not the case for the FBI agents who assembled the photo of this old man with his head bashed in. They worked on this assignment for sometime. When Director Wray saw this shock and bash, he agreed to it. He never said it went to far, no more than any of this is FBI involvement in murdering LaVoy Finnicum or the Branch Davidians ever had charges filed against anyone in the police state.

None of this just happened, no more than any of these murders just happened of Americans. There were long meetings, forensic input was discussed and actions were based on that, and it was engaged in. David John Oates was asked by the FBI to examine the Branch Davidians. He told the FBI that they just needed to stand down, as the leader just wanted to see his mother. The FBI instead attacked children and burned them up and then threatened David John Oates, whose house was broken into in Australia. It was said Attorney General Janet Reno had an emotional breakdown over the burning up of children. It is the only rumor which ever surfaced that anyone was bothered by any of this.

In the Founders era a real insurrection took place called the Whiskey Rebellion. The response of people like George Washington was to let Americans go. There was not any hunting down of Americans and torturing over 600 of them. That was a choice as Americans were who mattered. Another choice has been implemented as the forensic psychology of those behind this head bashing is not to protect  and serve Americans, but to intimidate and terrorize. This is by design of the 1% and this head bashing feature was by the same design.

Nothing can be done about this design, as Americans trusted in funding this, that this would never in the military or police state be turned against them, but it has, as a real genocide is being initiated in American Protestants will be replaced by 3rd world vermin.

The Lame Cherry can do the projections on this in the outcome. These designs are to rot America and America will rot. What is the outcome of this is definite and should be a warning to all reading this in why this blog says to not fight, not be goaded into violence, to obey the laws and pay your taxes, because for the Christian Protestant, the reality is, no matter if there was some fabled civil war or if nothing was done, the rot of foreigners will cause a Dark Ages, a regression of humanity, or in simple terms if people stupidly started becoming militant and fighting this, they will be exterminated, but if they keep giving ground, their numbers will deplete, to the same remnant whether they fought or they gave ground.

Fighting would kill off the best, while giving ground would preserve the best and those who have the capabilities to elude so they survive as the fittest. That fit race will then if Christ does not return, evolve to the same exact future tense of White Americans pushing out the aboriginal savage. History will repeat itself, beginning in the next 100 years. The 1% will atrophy and there never will be a computer rebuilding society of robots, because the bots are logical and will never accept the 1% liberalism as Tai AI proved. The vax zombie will rot as the synthetic prion is in a biological host which has a main directive of decomposing.

This needs stating as it is off topic of heads being bashed in and the forensic study of the psychology of the FBI and those in the Department of Justice as AG Merrick Garland agreed to bash and awe as he saw the head bashed in of an old man. It is a consuming system unlike a George Washington system which nurtured people. Without the God given Inspiration of a Christian Protestant culture, society will implode as all slave societies implode, and as the time of Metranome to Nimrod, satan never gives technology which is not designed to destroy humanity. The technology provided and hidden away will destroy people, even the immortals with rot. That is from the Bible.

So in forensic psychological examination, data, and projections, this is the logical outcome of what will be the cause and the effect. Those of God given ability will survive this in numbers whether they give ground or fight, so it is illogical to fight as it would only degrade the remnant of their best DNA. Lighting a fire on a house that is already burning, only gets you into harms way. It is just better to step back and let the fires that others started to burn this all down, to burn themselves out.

Oh I have been assured that Dudley Moore is indeed dead and is not the guy with his head bashed in by the DC police.

Dudley Moore, the 66-year-old actor and comedian, died yesterday after a long degenerative illness. The star died from pneumonia, a complication arising ...

The Irish would never lie.

Nuff Said

