Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Dark Winter from the Cliff so High


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was interested in Ann Barnhardt's information which was shared with me, that the vax is killing some people immediately because they are injecting directly into the blood. Make sense because it is the data.

I have featured Clif High and he appeared on the Catherine Edwards podcast. Yes he has good information on taking Vitamin D and his computer programs, but he is making a wetware mistake in seeing a light at the end of this tunnel, soon, as in January. His glimmer of hope he told Edwards is that the British press is exposing how corrupt Joe Biden is..........

The reason those Ephraimites are engaged in that, is because MI6 has been Round Table engaged in making America their colony again. They bled America in traitors in the Civil War, both world wars, Russiagate was the Goddamn English and the English are again stoking the world for the Great Eurasian War so they will rule again.

Read history, read what the Goddamn English did the Scots, did the Irish, did to Americans. The first slaves in America were Scots and Irish, sent to America after a war of genocide by Longshanks and Liz I. The English are a horrid race of the Lost 10 and all they do is eat everyone.

So what is a glimmer of hope to Clif High is really the fuse is lit and burning on the hell which is going to be unleashed. We have not seen the half of this. The 1% will not quit in what they have started. They are slaughtering children with a vax. Those who do this are not going to stop after starving people, and unleashing 3rd world vermin to replace the natives.

Everything that David John Oates finds in Reverse Speech, keeps cropping up Dark Winter, out of Fauci and Biden's lips. Dark winter was a 2000 something war game for a biological weapon release. The Wuhan was the first strike. There will be the 4 Horsemen fulfilled, famine, economic collapse, war and death are coming yet.

Clif High sees animals in nature with a spring time youth in their step. He is misreading this, as the birds should be flying south before the first snow, or they will die. Animals are not picking up what is coming, so that means everything is mind screwed.

Animals should be picking up the anxiety of people.........and they are not. That means a block is building, perhaps this vax zombie is suppressing emotions. Perhaps the magnetic flow is disrupted, what the earth is picking up and is going volcanic.

Wildlife comes to Catherine Edwards.......yeah maybe they are looking for an Arc to get on to get the hell out of here.

I repeat the Francis Parkman history of America in the Old Dominion and New Regime, It took from 1492 to 1814 for commerce, meaning generated trade which was not European one sided to begin. The fire of civilization is being wiped out. These Goddamn Mexicans are picking apart what has not been sold off to those Goddamn Chinamen. There is nothing left. People are IDIOTS. Most of you can not make a thing, fix a thing or know how to sweat and work. You can't grow a potato any more than you know how to kill a coyote that is eating your pet.

Let the Lame Cherry give you a reality to remember. Not until the time that you are deciding whether to wipe your ass with grass, boil it up in a pot as the only thing you have to eat or use it to conceal yourself so all the Goddamn foreigners do not find you to rape you to death, you are not close to seeing the end of this.

There is not going to be saving anyone in the vax. Cancers are exploding due to the gene which shuts cancer down is gone. Heart damage is going through the roof.  Children are genetically changed. This is not an outcome has any positives, because there is not a Jesus in this world and He has no Apostles curing people. This forced evolution was released, so there would not be any way to undo it. The 1% received the advanced knowledge and have implemented it.

My cousins both were vaxed. They were telling TL, that they had discussed things about what the world would be like, you know going back to the kind of world of Laura Ingalls Wilder, no ass wipe, sugar was non existent and most pleasures in life, and you froze in the winter and boiled in the summer, as you walked everywhere. No one has factored in the reality that people are used to having cozy environments. You take baths and having to struggle to just keep warm, and people are going to give up as like my cousins they decided that they would not want to be alive in a world like that.

A human with will power can live through lots of shit, but you take modern people out of the security of the world they know, and just like those Cherokee animals they will give up and die on their trail of tears. The Indian gave up because they were attached to the land. Western peoples are attached to their solven technology and most will give up without it. Add this zombie vax and you have a population which will be too stupid to run from a coyote.

Nuff Said
