Monday, October 11, 2021

The Decision of Blood and Iron

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the 1% dismantling of the United States for Old World Order, and Joe Biden with Kamala Harris the chosen foils for this America as a cloth of the land, the worlds of Rudolf Hess from the 1930's as a German Prophet have a sobering chord of the American future.

When all authority has vanished, only a man of the people can establish authority. The deeper the dictator was originally rooted in the broad masses, the better he understands how to treat them psychologically, the less the workers will distrust him, the more the supporters will win among the most energetic ranks of the people. He himself has nothing in common with the mass, like every great man he is all personality. When necessity commands, he does not shrink before bloodshed. Great questions are always decided by blood and iron. In order to reach his goal, he is prepared to trample on his closest friends. The lawgiver proceeds with terrible hardness. As the need arises, he can trample them, (the volk) with the boots of a grenadier.

The greatest failure of Donald John Trump was that he had zero affinity in the plight of real Americans, real people. He was versed like George W. Bush in the nuances of diatribe. For Bush it was suckering the Evangelicals, for Trump it was suckering the Patriots.

With all of the paid FBI, DIA, Homeland and CIA agents provoking upset on the right and the left, there does not seem room for anyone of such tyranny to take control, as the tyrants are all regime employed to make fodder of the people. The reality is though, there is always a window in the chaos before the order. The murderous rampage of Lenin was pacifism compared to the mass murder unleashed by Stalin. In context, Mao tse Tung of China was the purity of a mass murderer. He did not have to supplant anyone as he was the disease of the dictator.

The world stage has a few iron fists, such as dictator Xi of China and the resolute Vladamir Putin of Russia. In equality, nothing has risen in Europe or America, where weakness prevails to entice the blood bath to come. There must be an anti Christ in Europe to unite by force that continent. America seems destined to be led by an appointed stooge when the expiration date is reached on the Bidencon.

That stooge will make the United States an ash heap. From those ashes will arise a leader who will either be able to control his passions as the premier American, George Washington accomplished or there will be a dictator who make the fractured North America bend to that will in order to survive the Eurasian.

The power is centered now in the United States in the iron of the FBI and Pentagon shedding the blood of Americans who purchased that iron. In the chaos of economic collapse when it is unleashed, another blood and iron paradigm will occur on the global war stage. In that ruin will be the blood and iron of the not internationalist state but the nationalist tribe establishing order our of the chaos which the 1% created to win, but lost.

This is not advocacy, this is reality. One can not assemble these scenarios of chaos and not have the same historical disasters repeat as are intended by the architects.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

